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Yikes - Big Change To Forum!

Steve Herschbach

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Wow, just did the latest update to the forum software and was not prepared for the drastic change in the look. Blue shades went away and now more white and gray. Not sure I like it. Lots of other feature updates I have to dig into and look at. Anyway, if you got caught by surprise so did I.

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Yeah, it did the same to me - apparently everyone has been booted off and has to sign in again. be sure to check the "Remember Me" box!

Here is one of the new features. Instead of the "like" button they now have "Reactions". From Invision:


IPS Community Suite has long had a reputation system; first we had a simple up/down system, later updated to introduce a Likes system as an alternative. Whichever system you chose to use, it tied in with our reputation system.

We're pleased to introduce the latest updates to the reputation system, and it's something that has been requested for quite some time: Reactions.

Quite simply, reactions allow users to offer more fine-grained sentiments towards content than a simple up/down or 'like'. They are now in common usage on social networks, and so users expect to be able to be more nuanced in their response to something they see.

Let's see how they work in a post, and then cover the options you'll have available.


What you see above is the default setup for a site that has used the Like system in version 4.1. We include 5 reactions by default:

  • Like
  • Thanks
  • Confused
  • Sad
  • Haha

If you currently use the older style up/down reputation system, don't fret - you'll still get the new reactions on upgrade, but they'll be disabled by default and instead the new reaction UI will show up/down reactions. This gives you the flexibility to decide which of the new reactions, if any, you want to allow.

So, those are the basics - but what configuration options can you expect to see? First, you can of course add your own reactions! We expect that beyond the default reactions you'd expect to find, some sites will want reaction types specific to their use-case. On an intranet, you might want to have 'agree' and 'disagree' reactions for staff to use when responding to discussions. On a gaming community, you might replace the icons to be some graphic from a video game that means something to your particular userbase. There's a wealth of possibilities.

Each reaction you set up can be configured to adjust the original author's reputation count - a reaction can be positive (i.e. award a reputation point), negative (i.e. subtract a reputation point), or neutral (i.e. leave the reputation count unchanged). Our default set won't include any negative reactions, but you are free to configure these and new reactions to suit your own use-case. A user's total reputation count is still shown alongside their content and in their profile, of course.

If you don't want to use the new reactions for whatever reason, you can disable all of them except Like, and it'll behave just the like 4.1-and-earlier system:


On touch devices, on-hover functionality is not suitable, and so for these devices the reactions UI looks like this:


  • Like 1
  • Thanks 2
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Good stuff, got the main PC booting again (good dust clean out) and thought what have I done, DPs blues all gone. Logged on and all is well. 

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Guest Jennifer
56 minutes ago, klunker said:

 Had to sign in to reply. It kinda scared me after reading the gold monster knuckle heads I thought "oh no! He's finally had enough" Thanks for all the work you put into this forum.

Hahaha I thought the exact same thing when I had to log in again as well. 

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Difference in the beginning is a 'shock' and I saw it before you switched on Bill's forum.  That was my shock time but I spend more time here than there these days so I could 'ignore' it.

Now I have to get more familiar with it because the old is gone away.

I hope it makes it easier for you to administer.


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