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Equinox Caught Fire & U Started It

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I Don't quit understand the why General Motors manual.  Joke??

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Gerry, if I didn't already have a dealer who also is a good friend and sometime relic detecting buddy, it would be you. What an intelligent and informative post.

The blackballing thing is a little disconcerting.  Is that a dealer level thing or a user level thing (abuse of warranty, return, or just dropping off of preorder lists?). 

Anyway, thanks for doing the job ML USA should be doing regarding customer relations, you should be getting someone's paycheck who supposedly has that job there.

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  • The title was changed to Equinox Caught Fire & U Started It

Chase, It happens in all industries and or walks of life.  But the reality is...most dealers are great people and want to help their customers.

Al,  I was not making fun of Chevy...but trying to laugh a few people who hit the link and seen the new 2018 Chevy Equinox.  Wonder how many started reading it???

InTroube,  Never use REVERSE my friend, lol.

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4 hours ago, Gerry in Idaho said:

After all, they could have kept their promise (machines were done) and sent them across the lands.  Then a month later we are all up in arms with new info and possible downloads.  Heck people, they make a wise decision and are offering us even more machine at the same price we already paid.  Why be upset with that?

Gerry thanks for taking the time to write that (lengthy) post.  I don't disagree with most of what you said EXCEPT that considering these machines are in fact user upgradable, I fail to see the issue if they'd shipped them earlier, continued working their upgrades, and then provided a software upgrade. 

As a matter of fact, I think they'd been seen in a far better light then the "mum's the word" approach they took because:

  1. People would've received their detectors earlier, and that would've placated much of the negativity on the forums.
  2. Minelab's track record for detector firmware upgrades is poor at best, providing an upgrade with the features that held up the machines would've been seen as an impressive step in (a) listening to their customers and (b) demonstrating that they actually have their upgrade act together by providing value added software upgrades, thus providing an incrementally better product.   

In this fast moving modern world of advanced software and hardware products, people are used to software upgrades, else we'd all still be running iOS 3, Android Cupcake, oh and lest not forget Windows ME. 


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I think it’s a very good idea to show patience and respect to our Dealers and everyone else for that matter. After all, they are just like you and me when it comes to doing the thing we love. It’s the sport, not just the equipment. Great write up Gerry. Thanks!

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5 hours ago, Gerry in Idaho said:

Chase, The BB'ing has been to certain people who continually attacked Minelab on social media.  We have had a few dealers of all brands get the ax for other certain unethical businesses.  It happens in all industries and or walks of life.  But the reality is...most dealers are great people and want to help their customers.


Oops, I guess I shouldn't have complimented your customer outreach skills at the expense of ML USA. Hope I don't get BB'd, or worse (e.g., have my EQ shipping rerouted through Antarctica by sled dog team).  :laugh:

BTW I forgot to mention that seeing the title of your thread triggered my consumer electronics PTSD.  I was a "victim" of not one but two recalls of the Samsung phone model whose battery design flaw was causing phones to spontaneously combust.  Though my phone never caught fire, having to send it back in for replacement twice in one month and then finally being told I needed to buy a different model phone was not fun.  Suffice it to say, the whole "Equinox Caught Fire" expression had a completely different initial connotation to me and I was relieved to see you were only referring to Equinox sales and preorder numbers and not a fatal Equinox battery design flaw.  :biggrin:

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