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Is Park 2 The Magic Mode??

Mountain Mike

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I've been sitting back reading the reports and watching the videos. I want to thank all of those who taken the time to try to help others. Now that there is a fair amount of tests and videos are out I thought I should start taking some notes. On the first 6 tests that I made notes I noticed that all of them ended up getting their best results using Park 2 after some minor adjustments . Some of these tests involved finding good targets in and around iron while others were depth tests. I am still waiting to see how TNSS test on deep silver  turns out. So what have you guys found Park1, Field 1 and 2 modes to be better at? Surely Park 1, Field 1, and 2 modes have an advantage in particular situation that I haven't noticed. Can someone give me an example or 2 based on real world testing? Thanks  

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2 minutes ago, Mountain Mike said:

I've been sitting back reading the reports and watching the videos. I want to thank all of those who taken the time to try to help others. Now that there is a fair amount of tests and videos are out I thought I should start taking some notes. On the first 6 tests that I made notes I noticed that all of them ended up getting their best results using Park 2 after some minor adjustments . Some of these tests involved finding good targets in and around iron while others were depth tests. I am still waiting to see how TNSS test on deep silver  turns out. So what have you guys found Park1, Field 1 and 2 modes to be better at? Surely Park 1, Field 1, and 2 modes have an advantage in particular situation that I haven't noticed. Can someone give me an example or 2 based on real world testing? Thanks  

Mike, I was just thinking about how to ask this exact question on the threads but didn't want to ask a question that has already been answered... so THANKS!!  I am also curious about Park 1 and Park 2.  Especially in "the wild".   

I second Mike's thanks to all those that put themselves out there at the risk of being openly criticized or mocked for the way they hunt, or the settings they use, or the tools they show in the videos.   My appreciation goes out to you.  Tim.

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Park 2 and Field 2 are “hotter” on small items and low conductors. This can be good or bad depending on what you are doing. A person hunting silver coins may not want extreme sensitivity to can slaw or coke. Put another way many people used to other detectors will think Park 1 and Field 1 are already hotter than what they are used to. Park 2 and Field 2 are so hot they can double as gold prospecting modes. I can hit a gold nugget weighing a half grain (that’s grain, not gram 480 grains per Troy ounce) in Park 2 or Field 2.

Note that because the Equinox is a “hot” detector that many modes default to blocking target id 1 and 2 by default, as this helps a lot with can slaw, foil, and coke. However, this is also where tiny gold items and thin cut coins, thin chains, etc may appear.

Personally I think Minelab did a terrific job with the Instruction Manual and the pages starting at 22 are worth reading several times until it really sinks in. Click the images below for larger versions.






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Thanks Steve. I have been studying the manual and feel I have a good grasp on the frequency weighting  between the different modes.  I guess that what has prompted me to ask the question. It looks like park 1 and field 1 should really hit harder on high conductive coins than park 2 but I haven't seen a video or test that confirmed that for me. I was just hoping someone would point me in the direction of a video showing park 1or field 1 pounding a coin that park 2 doesn't hit as well. Just for my own peace of mind.

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I totally agree with what you are saying.  I actually had to rethink the manual and make adjustments according to my hunting situation and style.  But I do prefer park1 for where I hunt.


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Ya thanks for the reminder to read the manual again. I pick up new stuff I missed each time I delve back into it.  Reading Gold Mode 2 it seems to imply that lowering the Recovery Speed can increase ground noise.. Am I reading that right?  I know it affects depth but I didn’t think of the ground noise.  I figured Iron Bias Settings might affect ground noise.. I’m really socked in with a bitter cold and snow here and can’t head outside to test.  I definitely got the new detector curse.. Two waves of snow and now bitter cold most of the week..


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So here's a stupid question.

Where do old houses or old foundations fit in? What would you use to hunt an older home site? Park 1 or park 2 or would an old homesite require Field 1 or Field 2? 

Sorry if this has been answered before. 

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1 hour ago, Mountain Mike said:

Thanks Steve. I have been studying the manual and feel I have a good grasp on the frequency weighting  between the different modes.  I guess that what has prompted me to ask the question. It looks like park 1 and field 1 should really hit harder on high conductive coins than park 2 but I haven't seen a video or test that confirmed that for me. I was just hoping someone would point me in the direction of a video showing park 1or field 1 pounding a coin that park 2 doesn't hit as well. Just for my own peace of mind.

So this is what I gather from the posts above and some of the others.   (and forgive me for over simplifying my understanding due to not having a unit in hand).

Park 1 or Field 1 may not hit 'harder' than Park 2 or Field 2... but they will be a lot more stable where other targets, including smaller targets exist.  Park 2 or Field 2 give you the ability of cranking the Equinox into "6th gear" where there aren't as many competing targets, which allows the machine to be more sensitive to smaller and potentially deeper targets.  I think of it a little like using my PI machine... I won't miss anything with the PI.  It can pick up a flake of iron at 8 inches.  But that isn't a positive when I'm hunting a location that is littered with flakes of iron and everything larger... The Equinox P1 and F1 are tuned to perform in these environments better than P2 or F2.. saving a lot of chasing bb sized targets (or smaller). 

Mike, to your comment, I haven't seen a lot of video footage on that assumption (which may be totally off base), but that is what I can gleen from what I have seen.  Hopefully there will be some more comparison videos to help us understand those differences a little better.

I can think of a few locations where I have spent a significant amount of time "clearing" the path for a hot machine... and other locations that I will thank the heavens for the tuning of P1 and F1 to work around the 'noise' in the ground.  I am also very interested to see the difference between "1" and "2" in my mineralized ground... and honestly no video will tell me how it will perform out my back door.  I need to have the machine in my hands for that. 


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Regarding how "hot" the modes are relative to each other (a general indication of higher frequency bias and ability to hit harder on mid-conductors and small targets as well as sensitivity to hot rocks and salinity variations in salt water and wet sand),  I always liked Steve's quick and dirty summary posted here:

Of course gold mode is the hottest, followed by Park and Field 2, Park and Field 1 and finally the Beach modes.

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