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Info On Diamonds Needed

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This is probably going to seem like a stupid question to some but the way I look at it and was always taught the only stupid question is the one you do not ask so here goes

Has there ever been diamonds found in Arizona the reason I am asking is I have been running some material on a Miller table and have been finding some vary small clear crystals that look just like diamonds.

like I said this is probably a stupid question but oh well


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Thanks phrunt not anywhere near canyon Diablo but that diamond tester might be a good way to go I am really curious because on my miller table I am finding a bunch of them I ran about a quarter of a one pound coffee can down the table and found 12 of them they are not vary big but when you see them on the miller table they really stand out I collected them with tweezers as I would see them I would be really surprised if they are diamonds but you never know all of them were in material that I had screened through steel window screen mesh just to tell you how small they are I looked at them though a magnifying glass and then put them in a clear glas vial with water in it the look crystal clear when you look at them  

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27 minutes ago, DSMITH said:

put them in a clear glas vial with water in it the look crystal clear when you look at them

Can you post a picture DSMITH?

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2 hours ago, MarXthespot said:

Can you post a picture DSMITH?

I can try but it will be a few days before I will be able to as tomorrow I have to drive to the phoenix area to see a heart Dr for chest pains I have been experiencing I will not be back until saturday or Sunday unless I take my laptop with me and try to post them up

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I wouldn't think very small diamonds in the rough would be that clear to see through.  I thought rough diamonds were somewhat cloudy until cut or polished.  Just guessing here.  GaryC/Oregon Coast

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Its possible that they could be small topaz.  Topaz is heavy and shows up in the bottom of the pan.  I use pans to prospect for gems as well as gold depending on the region.  Be nice to see some pictures.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks everyone for the replies sorry for not posting pics but I have had some medical issues come up that will probably stop me from detecting or anything for awhile I was able to take them into a rock shop found out they are just a really clear piece of quarts

have to return to the valley of AZ in about a week for some surgery and will be down for  few months kinda dis heartening but thats life  

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