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11 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

I never use the WM08 myself. It is faster but the lag on the included ML80 headphones is so minimal as to not bother me at all. They certainly do not impede me pinpointing or visualizing the target location in any way. I feel just the opposite as the original poster and think the WM08 should have been left out and that 1/8” to 1/4” wired headphone adapter included instead, along with a universal USB power adapter. 

Agreed. My WM08 will never get used.  

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11 hours ago, chicoquadcore said:

Ditto. Ebay here It goes ??‍♂️

BTW I checked fleabay last night, and see their have the same wireless module for the CTX and GPZ7000 (and their not cheap!!), albeit different model #'s. 

I take it, that in their infinite wisdom, Minelab made these so they will only work with the detectors they came with?  In other words, the WM08 will not work with a CTX or GPZ7000, only works with the EQ600 or EQ800?  If that's the case, I doubt you'll get much more then $100 for it, as likely it'll be the EQ600 crowd buying one and let's be honest, if you shop around you might be able to get an EQ800 for only $130 more then the MSRP of an EQ600....so not sure they'll go for much :huh:

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First came the WM10 for the CTX 3030. It only works with the CTX.

Then came the WM12 for the GPZ 7000. It does also work with the CTX 3030.

Then came the Minelab Pro-Sonic system. As far as I know it does not work directly with the CTX, GPZ, or Equinox, but I am not swearing to that.

And now the WM08, which as far as I know only works with Equinox.

Minelab has in my opinion been doing a very poor job with compatibility between its expensive proprietary options. Hopefully improvements in generic Bluetooth makes proprietary solutions obsolete.

I wonder how well all these wireless solutions play well together at a crowded organized hunt? That is one place having a proprietary solution could be an advantage. 

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Last weekend I did a couple experiments (one intentional, one not, as you will see).  For the first 16 hours of Eqx800 operation I had used only the provided ML80 headphones.  I was surprised (as were many of you) that they were comfortable since I've been no better than about 50-50 with headphones fitting well.

There is certainly a goldilocks principle when it comes to headphones:  too loose (more comfortable) and external sound noise leaks through too easily; too tight (less comfortable) and I get a headache or other pain (pinched ears) after a couple hours.  Depending upon the site and especially its ambient noise (wind can also be a major factor) I can use anything from ear buds (most comfortable) to Sunray Pro Golds -- best I have at blocking external noise but their tight grip can get uncomfortable.

Anyway, last weekend I was going to my noisiest site -- strip of grass along a busy street -- so I decided to try the WM08 module connected (by way of a 3.5 mm male to 1/4 in female adapter from Amazon) to the Pro Golds.  I detected no loss in performance (nor increase, for that matter) compared to the ML-80's, and they did as planned in blocking out more street noise.

I mentioned in another thread the loss of volume after a couple hours hunting, which I never completely figured out, but which was internal to the control module (determined that by listening to the unit's speaker without headphones).  So off to plan C:  the Deteknix W3R transmitter plugged into the 3.5 mm jack of the Eqx control unit and Pro Golds connected to the Deteknix receiver.  The advantage that provided was the internal amplifer of the Deteknix receiver.  The tones in this setup were a bit different although that wasn't bothersome nor detrimental, just different.  One thing I noticed which might affect performance with this setup was a roll-in, roll-off of a target hit tone.  Rather than the sharp on/off edges with both ML80's and WM08+ProGolds, it was a bit rounded at both ends.  Not a huge deal in general but I can imagine for targets very close together when running high settings of the recovery speed there could be a loss of performance.

Bottom line:  my WM08 is not going anywhere anytime soon.

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If there is some sound latency it is very slight.  Certainly not enough to impede detecting in anyway. I learned to compensate for it almost immediately if there is any. I never had wireless headphones in the past so it was no different than getting used to a new set of wired headphones. 

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On 4/5/2018 at 11:32 AM, Steve Herschbach said:

I never use the WM08 myself. The WM08 is faster than aptX Bluetooth but the lag on the included ML80 headphones is so minimal as to not bother me at all. They certainly do not impede me pinpointing or visualizing the target location in any way. I feel just the opposite as the original poster and think the WM08 should have been left out and that 1/8” to 1/4” wired headphone adapter included instead, along with a universal USB power adapter.

Related Thread On ML80

I have a pair of light weight water resistant full size headphones I like to wear in cold wet conditions.  The WM08 allows me to do that and remain untethered to the detector with the WM08 tucked away and safe from the elements.  In general, the WM08 allows you to use a favorite pair of wired headphones yet remain untethered so in that respect they do have some usefulness.

BTW anyone know of any full size APTX LL headphones that are water resistant (i.e. not earbuds)? 

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Count me amongst the crowd that notices no delay/latency when using the ML-80 (or non-Minelab BT80) headphones...


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I do not notice latency with LL headphones. However, I do notice it with regular aptx (not LL)--the sound sort of brackets the target on swings rather than being on top of the target.

I'm doubtful anyone can really see the latency at <40ms, which is what it is supposed to be with LL headphones. Now, there is always the possibility that latency is much greater than 40ms, because of some process in either the headphones or the Nox getting snarled up and inserting a delay that should not be there. If you notice latency with LL, I would power down both the headphones and the Nox and restart, to see if it goes away.

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