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Equinox Ergonomics - The Challenge

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People who use detectors in the water have been converting from S shafts to straight shafts for years. If the Equinox was a S shaft you would have just as many complaints if not more. Go figure.

So four pages and a few more complaints, but not a single person has been able to name just one waterproof detector of comparable performance that has better ergonomics. Apparently and as usual Minelab takes heat for not being better than they are when everyone else is at a minimum no better and in most cases are demonstrably much worse. And no, detectors that are not waterproof do not count because removing the waterproof requirement removes a major engineering obstacle as regards ergonomics.


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...the direct rod if it is well balanced - it can not make a problem when it detects .. on the contrary - it can make the detector simple,solid, light and compact..-mi personal  carbon tuning my detectors...-better balanced,solid  and smaller weight..

Marec 4 2018 EQ carbon 007_DxO.jpg

sony sola 1073 (600 x 337).jpg

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For me personally I prefer the ergos of my Multi Kruzer over my Nox 800, but that's because I mostly use a 5X9.5" or 7" round concentric on it. I'm pretty sure that the 800 will feel better in 2019 when the smaller coil becomes available for it. ?

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Most if not all of my criticisms of the equinox, including the ergos, really are more related to my obsessive nature, and not errors of design. After I added the folding modification, I for a time used it with the shaft in a "6:35"position, which mimicks to an extent the ergonomics of an s-shaft. I did conclude the swing felt a little better than straight, but not that much so, and I'm back to the regular straight position.( however, if I find myself wearing certain hiking boots with metal eyelets, I will use the "6:35" position to keep from falsing on my shoes with the closer in swing of the straight shaft. If I do get tired I have the simple bungee /hook setup shown to give an essentially weightless swing. 


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Personally I think the straight shaft was the perfect choice for the Nox but as stated if they would have used an s shaft people would be complaining and asking for a straight one. The design, ergonomics and most of all the power of the Nox 600,800 are all great. After all its the overall machine and its capabilities that we all bought it for.

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The Equinox is fine the way it is. I adjusted the shaft length and the cuff and no issues at all. I have seen guys say the Equinox is lighter than the At Pro and less tiring.. Who is going to notice .04 pounds when most likely they carry a lesche and a pointer and probably a pouch..

You want a detector that will wear you out try the Etrac.. Even after 4 days with the Etrac I was used to it and not sore...

Most people that complain are loyal to other brands but bought an Equinox because if the didn't they would be missing out and they would be missing out if they didn't buy an Equinox. 

I have seen guys spend over $100 on modifications only to go back to the standard shaft and cuff. I have seen counter weights near the cuff.. 

I am 73 yrs old and have arthritis and move like an old man. I can hunt for two hours everyday and dropping to the ground to dig a target as much as 50 times but swinging the detector don't wear me out it's digging targets that does.

All around feature for feature and dollar for dollar there is no better detector on the market. 


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  • 1 year later...

For the IN water use i get it on a straight shaft. For all beach and land S rod is much better i think. Swing a S rod detector then a straight rod. If you have to left the coil to keep it off the ground in front of you when you swing then that will put a stain on your arm is no time at all. I love the Nox. Just wish it had a s shaft. It would make a great detector much more user friendly. Just me.

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