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Confused Reader


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I've been reading the forum for a few years now and doing a bit of posting.  I seemed to have a handle on things but recently I have become confused about the proper place to post and read.

The Detector Prospector Forum was THE gold forum.  It was all things gold no matter what detector was used.  It seemed to be mostly a Zed forum but that is because so many of us find gold with it.  More gold was found with other detectors but it was also posted here.

Recently Phrunt and JW went out hunting with the Equinox 800 on the same day with the new 6" coil and they both wrote about it but put it in different forums. (One here and the other in the Fan Club forum.)  I saw one story but not the other until I read the other one had been posted in the Minelab Equinox forum.  Both trips produced gold that I wanted to read about but they were in different forums.

I have other examples of confusion when I see gold and I see a manufacturer's name also.  If I don't own it I don't really go there if you know what I mean.

My experience a couple of weekends ago with the 6" coil was not as good as theirs.  I located one piece (.2g) for someone else who had found it with a Zed but couldn't pinpoint it.

Where should I post that story?  ( In this forum?, Minelab?, Equinox Fan Club?)  haha


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It does not really matter. I move stuff when I think it appropriate.

In general anything to do with nugget detecting goes here. However, if the information is detector specific and includes details on how to run or operate that detector I generally post or move posts to the specific forum. In other words, just posting gold found with any detector tends to stay here. However, if it is more like “how to tune or find gold with this specific machine” then it may end up on a forum specific to the brand.

I watch that sort of stuff normally and take care of it. I have been gone and am currently going though all the threads. I do purposefully post cross links when information is appropriate to more than one location. I also may let posts ride here until they get to page three, then move them to another location.

Again, just generic I found gold stuff will end up here. The tags are a hint. Look at this as the “gold found” or “stories trips and adventures” page.

If the post is more about the hardware itself, then it tends to end up on the manufacturer forum. If a thread gets tagged as being specific to a particular detector, like “whites goldmaster 24k” it will eventually move to that manufacturer forum. If you want to find out all you can about how the GPZ works, look on the Minelab forum. If you want to see stories about gold found with the GPZ, look here. Obviously there is overlap.

To repeat however, don’t sweat it. When in doubt post here. As far as reading, get out and about more! I read them all. :smile:

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I know what you mean Mitchell with " If I don't own it I don't really go there".   But then again, I have been enjoying Gerry's posts about the 24k recently and I'm glad he didn't post them in the White's section - I would never have seen them.

To cover my bases I look at DP main forum, Minelab Metal Detectors, Metal Detecting Advice and Comparisons and sometimes the Equinox forum (but it is usually so busy I can't keep up with it all ?).


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Well, to be 'less confused' I do see to the right of the forum I am on a current list of postings which helps me keep up on the news.

Steve, is there any way that area could have a thumbnail picture if one was with the posting so I could see that gold?


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There is also the Unread Content link which covers all forums and which you can custom filter into “Activity Streams”.

Page space is at a premium and so adding thumbnails to the sidebars is not much of an option. That sidebar is there specifically to draw attention to posts in other sub forums. As are the home entries. No matter what however, if you don’t look around now and then you may miss stuff.

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Mitchel highlighted why the forum was split up. By default new detectors get the buzz, but that can get old for some people who object to what they call hype. This got tagged as a “minelab forum” by new visitors. If they owned another brand they left. Or it turned into the GPZ forum. Some owners of other detectors found that stifling. I will never forget the Garrett Infinium owner who quit the forum because of us “GPZ snobs”. The Equinox was the last straw. It was obvious to me it would overwhelm this forum, so I had to create a forum just for it, and all the rest. Most of the brand specific forums were just the old archive forums, renamed into live forums.

Again, I do use my own judgement in cross posting to make sure people here know about a new detector. So you will see posts here initially about the Makro Kruzer or White’s 24K. Once things get rolling with those machines however posts about them will be on the manufacturer specific forum for those genuinely interested in the specific detector. Most of Gerry’s 24K double posts will be merged and moved today to the White’s forum. If you really are interested in the 24K then watching there would be wise.

Thetr are no right or wrong answers on all this. If however you look at all the forums there is a discernible pattern for what goes where. If you don’t want to miss anything, make the Unread Content link your main page instead of any one forum.

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I hardly open anything in the various detector brands unless there might be something in the Fisher brand.

If there is a found item or a hunt , post it in this category and let Steve move it!

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