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What Coil Size Do You Most Want For The GPZ 7000?

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 I'm finding some ridiculously silly tiny itsy bitsy nuggets with the stock coil but smaller would be my second choice mainly for poking into snake holes and thorn bushes. I realize that most of the forum members her have Super Man strength but I only have his good looks so a stock size coil that weighed half as much would be perfect.

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20 inch for deeper ground and probably 11 inch for around scrub any smaller and you'll need a microscope to see the nugget you just dug a deep hole for.

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I hope minelab are listening!

If they don't bring out a big coil like a 20in round or even better if its bigger there will be a lot of dissaponted pro's out there.

And its us that find the bulk of the gold that make them look good and if we are out there pulling out lumps its free advertising for them.

Give us a 20in or bigger coil!

Any smaller will just not do for us!

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I thought it would be interesting to revive this thread in light of the release of the GPZ19 coil to see how close Minelab came to the suggestions. I tallied up the numbers and averaged the large dimension for both small and large suggested sizes but all the info is there to draw your own conclusions.

Next up - I want that small coil. I do think larger first was best for most people but sooner or later a small coil for the rest of us would be appreciated.


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