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Like Gerry I am a little late to the party as I boarded a tug about the time Strick posted his coin. Although I basically found NOTHING the entire weekend but 1 button and a couple common relics this was still one of the best hunts I have ever been on. Just being there as my partner was making these fabulous finds was one of the highlights of my detecting career. Even though Strick mopped the floor with me the entire weekend I still had so much fun, only once in a while feeling the sting of humiliation. LOL Just basking in the glow coming off my friend I needed shades.

I like going to the heaviest iron a site has to offer and bearing down on it. So I had been going over a small area of heavy iron with my Deus with the HF elliptical most of the day for nothing. When he first called me over I could not believe how beautiful that dime was. Then when he called again I could tell by the look on his face he had a big find. That gold coin looked so awesome laying there.

I must ruefully admit my friend taught me a lesson that day I won't soon forget. He taught me that maybe if the iron isn't producing you may be better off casting around. Don't focus so intensely on the nail beds, something better may be right over yonder. Like Strick I had not been hunting much lately but his finds have renewed my desire to find my own bucket list items. I feel new vigor and excitement for relic hunting and can't wait to get back out there again. 


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That's a once in a life time find.:smile:

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On January 9, 2019 at 7:17 AM, Mark Gillespie said:

That's a once in a life time find.:smile:

I hope not :smile: 

I've only been detecting since 2014 but I know how lucky  I have been these few years with some of my finds.  Being the OCD type the "Beep and Dig" is working well....... helping me to unwind after a days work dealing with other mens hysterical wives and their sometimes spoiled horses.  I like your videos and have watched them all. 


On January 6, 2019 at 6:43 PM, goldbrick said:

Although I basically found NOTHING the entire weekend but 1 button and a couple common relics this was still one of the best hunts I have ever been on. I feel new vigor and excitement for relic hunting and can't wait to get back out there again. 


Merton is down playing it a bit. He actually dug more then I did it seemed but I just got lucky and found the patch. I will note that my detecting buddy is looking into getting a new detector...one who's name starts with a M and ends with a B. Hunting with friends is more fun then hunting alone no matter what were looking for. 

Good luck out there fellas!


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Merton can hold his own pretty well.  When he is ready to purchase, I know of a dealer who has been selling detectors for 20+ years and using them for twice as long.  Still on cloud 10, I think you skipped 9.

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I'm late, too -- but WOW!!!  Incredible, bucket-list find of a lifetime, and in THAT kind of condition?!  Not to mention the Seateds, which are always my favorite coins to dig -- and a KEY-DATE one, at that?  I'd say you had one SPECTACULAR run of luck on that day!




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