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When Does New GPZ Gold Metal Detector Come Out?


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I am new here. Want to buy a GPZ 7000, but also want to wait until the next model of GPZ technology coming out. It would feel horrible to buy GPZ 7000, and new model come out in half a year. 

So does anyone know or hear anything about when new GPZ metal detector will come out?

Thanks a great deal.

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Hi longhn,

Welcome to the forum. 

We all know where you are coming from.  Buying something that is then superseded 6 months later leaves a sour taste in the mouth.

But, you could almost guarantee that you won't know when it is coming out until the day it is officially announced.  Very few people knew what the Equinox was going to be except Minelab and the testers.  And the testers (like the forum owner Steve) are bound by no-talk clauses until release date.

I would love to know when the GPZ 8000 is coming out (or if there ever will be one in the next 10 years).  The 1 thing that makes me confident about the GPZ 7000 being around for another 6-7 years in its current format is the ability for it to be updated - just like a smart phone.   It took 25 years for something different from PI to evolve, maybe it will take another 25 for something better than ZVT.  But then again, electronics are evolving very rapidly now.

If there was to be a change my guess would be that Minelab might try and simply put the current electronics in a lighter housing.  Everybody loves the 7000's abilities but the weight is a killer for many. 

If you think that you are going to be able to get value for money use out of a GPZ 7000 now, then probably go for it...and cross your fingers it's not superseded  ?

Steve has one for sale on the forum right now that is less than a year old!!


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Hi Northeast,

Thank you so much for your reply. I read a lot of Steve and others' posts. GPZ's ability is great; but, it has its own bugs such as alkaline, wet ground,... etc beside being heavy. After 3 years testing in fields by prospectors around the world, issues emerge. Minelab absolutely and already learns from it. 3 years is not a short cycle time for an innovative company like Minelab. Sale for 7000 should have dropped almost a year ago when people were asking if new version of GPZ will come out soon. Many responses excited in a few days and that's all. Thinking like you and me, we can guess 7000 is not selling hot anymore. Example: Look into the ebay, a 7000 almost like new to be sold for 6999, and it has been there for a while; and, so maybe Steve's.

7000 has no big competitor; on the other hand, it has many smaller competitors from Turkey, French, and of course US with evolving electronics. With competitive industry, if one doesn't get ahead, it falls behind.

Steve sold his GPX5000 for GPZ7000. Now he is selling his GPZ7000. Read between the lines, if that new GPZ X000 comes out, price of 7000 drops fast. Not selling it now, then when??? Just my two cents for this analysis (Sorry Steve, I try to pick your brain!, and it may not be true at all)

The problem for me though, is that i have exclusive access to a land in mother lode. Outside of its perimeters, old gold mines are just everywhere within 100 ft. I have gut feeling that this land has serious gold; but have no mean to prospect it yet. For this area, gold is not in shallow. I need some good MD to punch thru the top layer of earth. GPX is good; but why GPX if there is GPZ. 

In gold prospecting, I am a new kid in town and have so much to learn. You have any suggestion for me. Anyone???

Thanks you so much.

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Worrying about buying because there may be a newer model is not sane...there will always be a newer model at some point; no one can predict the time. Kind of like not buying a television because there may be a new model...

Steve swore a "sacred oath" that he has no knowledge of a newer model...do you want blood too? (Just teasing, Steve)

Any PI will find detectable gold, it is the operator and the location that matters...I suggest you buy a used Minelab Pi and get some experience, then you can decide if you want to get into the deep water.


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The question is how much are you willing to spend for this new dectector and how long are you willing to wait?  The GPZ 7000, when it first became available topped the scales at $10,000.  When and if this newer machine comes out, it will no doubt cost more! 

Also,  are you willing to possible wait years for this new technology and leave gold in the ground for someone else to find?  

I suggest spending as little money as possible, go with a vlf, cause if the oldtimers were there, i have no doubt there will be metal trash everywhere and it will drive you crazy being a newbie.  Its always best to find gold first on this exclusive land and then match the detector to the environment.

Good Luck,


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 The 7000 is great for cleanup on established patches of gold, but is overkill for prospecting imo,  especially if you're hunting shallow bedrock areas.

Most the slug gold on a new patch of ground can be found with a 5000 unless your dealing with crystalline, low conductive, small types of gold..





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The just-under-two-ounce piece that I found could have been found with a Radio Shack detector..

Don't wait for the new detector to come out - get one now and maybe when the new one comes out you'll have found enough to pay for it. 

We all face this choice at one time or another. But in my opinion, get one now...A used 5000 is an amazing detector. Obviously so is a used 7000. I never understand what waiting does except to miss opportunities for finds that exist right now.

Best of luck with your decision,


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3 hours ago, Northeast said:

Some great advice above. 

And on unproven ground a pan, a shovel and a tub of water may be your best value option  ?

My thought; I agree..
You say you're surrounded by old gold mines.. What makes you think you have near-surface detectable Au
when all your now-long-gone neighbors needed to go underground to get at theirs..? Just sayin'..


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