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Luckily with some sense the odds are in your favor if you get bit. It has been estimated that 7,000–8,000 people per year receive venomous bites in the United States, and of about 5 of those people die. Source: CDC http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/snakes/ Some good up-to-date info there on what to do and not do if bit.

Interesting true fact is that attempting to kill a snake that has not bitten you increases your risk of being bitten by a snake.

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you have to be stupid to get bit...same with Gila Monsters




Yup don't be stupid,  :D The Gila Monster is also protected by federal law. 


Lil bro just wanted to move this one off the road so he wouldn't get hurt, don't worry both monsters are safe and sound.  :lol:


Just to give you an idea of the size of this gila monster little bro is 6' 5" 330 lbs. 


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seriouse question: What is a fellow to do when alone and snakbitten  deep down in a Motherload canyon, a good 2-4 hours hike back up verticle inclines that nearly cause a heart attack on a good day, minus a snakebite. So far my though is, just keep repeating it's a dry bite, and attempt hiking out slowly.  I might also try bleeding off the bite site with suction syringes, but as Paul said, this may not be benificial. Other option I can think, just set up camp and try to sleep it off for a couple days and let the venom run its course?

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Whats an Eperb? Do you mean an Epipen like doctors give for people who are allergic to bees and nuts?

Will taking an Ativan tablet or Benadryl help calm me down, panic is probably your worst enemy after a snake bite I would think, especially if alone in the boonies.



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  If you are serious about getting into the back country alone, it would be wise to invest in one of the GPS units that can send a emergency signal. They usually require a subscription of some sort, but they do work and it can save your life out there.

Not to mention a GPS just plain comes in handy for marking locations. They also have them that double as two way radios and give weather alerts, all good stuff.

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I have thought about this alot. Your supposed to stay calm,not exert yourself...but Im usually miles away in a real huff n puff canyon...the blood is going to pump! This last incedant was the exception...was 50 yards from hwy 49.

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This is what every serious prospector needs-  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005E1OU1A/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_dp_ss_1?pf_rd_p=1535523722&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B006JXY0CQ&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=14EY6GQCP03SEK1XS8H6

406 EPIRB signals are received by the USAF and relayed to your local emergency responder. $260 is cheap insurance. Works better than SPOT and no monthly fee. If you were snake bit down in a canyon, alone or not, far from transportation or other help you would pay every cent you now possess or could borrow for one of these! Dude, if you are dead or maimed for life money won't mean crap. If dead you will never see your loved ones again or if only maimed you will be a burden on them for the remainder of your days! LOL-NOT!

With the risks most of us take as prospectors I am surprised in this modern world that use of 406 EPIRBs has not caught on like wildfire. I think it is an ostrich syndrome(head in sand) or people always think bad things only happen to other people. Spend 5 minutes and think about the risks you take, the bad things that could happen, what life may be like in the aftermath and I think you will agree the 5 minutes and $260 was some of the best time and money you ever spent.


Please come home safe,



p.s. if you think VA nurse Paul may perform mouth to mouth use your last round on yourself. LOL

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