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Taking New People Out

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So I have a few people here at work who've never detected, sluiced, panned or, in one case, even camped!

I'm looking to take care of all of those in one fell swoop with the caveat -- they're really not in good shape for humping around the backcountry.

I'm looking at putting everyone in my truck and taking them up to the Mother Lode area of California (coming up from the Bay Area.)


1) Near an easy-access stream for panning/sluicing

2) Drive-up campsite or SUPER easy hike in/out.  Emphasis on "not in good shape" for some of the party.

3) Area is amenable to detecting (Taking a GB2 and v3i.  v3i is not optimal but hopefully better than nothing.)

I was thinking about the Auburn Rec area - I seem to remember a campground under/near a bridge but it's been a very very long time since I've been there.  Maybe it was Mineral Bar?  I wasn't driving and don't remember. ?

Something like Ruck-a-Chucky might be doable but it's up away from the river a bit.

Another option is camping BLM land if the hike in is short/easy - something around Columbia that might be unclaimed.  If anyone knows of the correct terrain/area I'll research the claims in that area.

This is more of a "fun trip" instead of a "hunt hard" trip but I'd like to get them into a little color and get them hooked - could use a prospecting buddy or two if I can get them into shape.  =D




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Tis a hard one that, I always asked that anyone I took out didn`t go back to spots shown without me, but unfortunately that never works. Certainly for safety reasons would be good to have company out there. But some "city folks" put comforts first, recall over in WA was travelling with a couple from Geelong, filling up with water from a bore tank and his missus had a peak in the tank, had a fresh dead parrot floating on surface.(probably dozens sunk) That was it the poor fellow had to drive back to civilisation procure a trailer and fill up with bottled water. But now down the years a bit they are still travelling around and "adjusted" and boil their drinking water. Good company around the camp fire, and they laugh about that experience now.

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If these people are true "city folks" you might want to consider a nearby motel, condo or cabin and just taking them out on day excursions and see how it goes. It would likely be a lot easier on everyone especially whoever is in charge.....like you


Eh, it's car-camping.  Two nights tops.  I have extra gear and I don't mind humping gear for 'em or carrying the trip.  Worst case - we sit around the campsite, hang out, maybe drink a few and relax while enjoying being out of city-life for a while.  Panning/sluicing/detecting is a distraction/side-effect (heresy, yes, I know) but the goal is they have a good time first and foremost.  If they get into a few little flakes or some dust to show off later ... so much the better.  They'll pull a little color out of just about anywhere up there with a little elbow-grease - I simply don't know the easy access/easy camping spots.  I usually don't pay much attention or look for easy places since I have no problem doing multi-day out of a backpack; easy places are usually hit harder by "everyone else" and I like a bit of solitude when I can escape the craziness of the Valley.



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Norvic hit it on the head in his way.  Gotta look out for the city folk. Seeing it for myself down OZ way with my partner. *mind he's seeing this post*.  Just jumping out of bed and saying "I'm going to find Gold today!" don't cut it :)

Planning is a big part of going out for a look.  Might get by on a few scrapes or digs with a sleeping bag and some granola but if you want to get into the thick of it its gonna take more than a trip to town every two days to stock up and more than a trip a day to get wrapped around the area you in.  Silly stuff like that. Dead parrots.. hoot. ;) don't know many who drink from a bore... there's good water where you look for it down under and most American water is ok too. hehh.  Ah... just a thought.

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Hard Prospector has a great point, camping for some of those folks maybe way to difficult. A good' 

hotel and a short drive to the river to prospect and get some color would be the safe way to go. Try out Mariposa near Yosemite its a 3-4 hour drive, book a couple rooms and after breakfast its an easy 20 minute drive to Briceburg recreational area. Free parking, very few people if any on any weekday and some panners and sluicers on weekends who can be helpful to answer any questions anyone of your friends may ask about the area. You can even take a side trip to the State mineral museum and show them some huge nuggets.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bear river campground is an excellent place to pan and sluice BUT BEWARE OF THE TWEEKERS...I haven't been there this yr but the past 3 yrs were a mess there... Its a shame because its a beautiful river and has nice panning and camping right on the river...

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I went by the Bear River campground recently and every single spot was taken - not a space available. It was kind of a disappointment.

Mineral bar is right on the NF American - I have panned gold there on numerous occasions.

There is some limited metal detector potential.

It is easy car access, though the road down is steep.

Mineral Bar is not as pretty as the Bear River in my opinion, but better gold potential.

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