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Everything posted by Lacky

  1. I can't believe the national archive or the Smithsonian hasn't bought them from him privately. Just pay the man.
  2. Lol, you could...or you could just use a blow torch to burn off the oil like every other miner, except the crazy one putting kitchen spray on it. Btw, you wash plastic pans with dish soap if you get any oils on them. I wouldn't think you would try the blow torch on them, but better safe than sorry after the kitchen spray incident ?
  3. That's surprising, the whole point of the sand/bark/rubber bits is it doesn't hurt the kiddies when they fall. 1/4 gravel doesn't seem so soft. Still easy to dig though, so the pinpointer across the surface should still work fine. You won't be the only person to have done it, so it should be mostly or entirely recent drops.
  4. Just the Boise River, runs right through town. The advantage of playgrounds is the sand or bark or bits of rubber are super easy to dig in, and it is all brought in so eliminates the difficult local soil problem.
  5. Valen, here's a suggestion for practicing. Go to playgrounds, bark, rubber, sand, doesn't matter. Then detect it, but everytime you get a signal run the pinpoint over the surface. If the pin pointer doesn't detect it skip it and move on. That way you are just looking for shallow solid targets, its quick, no spending 10 min trying to dig one target, no frustration, and lots of different targets in a short period. It's great initial practice. I did it last night after my river hunt was a washout. It took me 2 holes to realize the bark was 8 inches deep, then a layer of weed barrier, and I was detecting targets under the weed barrier (wasn't about to wreck that). So I just switched to surface hunting (well, within 2 or 3 inches of surface), knocked down the sensitivity to 14 so I didn't hear most of the deep targets, and found some coins, an ear ring back, some tiny charm pieces, foil, a couple pull tabs, etc, using just my fingers, no digging needed. That should avoid the soil problems while you get started. Edit-using park 1, park 2 would probably pick up lots more tiny bits of foil.
  6. I did the first river hunt with the floating sifter and shovel last night. The sifter worked well (I ordered the netting from amazon) and is so light it just skims along the surface, there is no noticeable drag. The hunt was a failure though. The water is just too fast still. It was hard to keep my footing, hard to use the shovel as the current was constantly washing it away from where I wanted to dig it in, etc. I recovered some junk targets within 10 feet of shore where the current was less, so I know the method will work once the flow goes down. In the fall after irrigation season the river drops to 1/6th the flow it's at now. I just have to be patient. So, the floating sifter works great in heavy current, everything else, not so much.
  7. I watch lots of YouTube, but have no use for the rest. I had Facebook (technically still have I suppose) just to keep up with my daughters, but it turned into a huge waste of time, so I just don't log in anymore and have ignored it for a couple years. I like forums. I can read/follow what interests me and ignore the rest. Of course that means I'm old. I've been on forums since before the rest of it existed.
  8. The little recessed tab make it look like it slid into place maybe. I'd say a part off something, but no idea what. If it was bigger I'd think maybe a gun part where you feed cartridges in, but too small for that.
  9. I don't think so. Everyone I've ever seen is open on one end and has a tab on the spring metal to make it easy to pluck. My only though was some kind of feeding mechanism (mechanical, not food) but there are no screw holes to mount it. No idea.
  10. Maybe the Russian chaps will read this and there will be an X Bigfoot out next after the GPZ saga runs its coarse. No one can hand build a control unit anymore, it being all microchips, but coils are still the perfect artisan realm it would seem (other than the stupid chip thing).
  11. Lol, true, but Minelab must want that or they would just release information themselves. I don't really care. I suspect it will be a cheaper simpler version of the equinox. If I was in the $300ish is all I can spend range I would be getting excited maybe. If it is what I'm guessing I might get one for others to try out if they want to come with me. I've thought about getting a 600 for that. If they came in significantly less and kept it fundamentally the same (vdi ranges, modes, etc) it would make a great loaner.
  12. Yeah, the run flat routine your thinking of Horst was for nicad batteries. Its actually the opposite for lithium batteries and you want to not run them down completely if you don't have too. (Thanks Chase, I missed that he was doing that)
  13. I guess check the charger and make sure it hasn't warped or deformed at all. That could keep it from making a flush connection. Honestly I'm just grasping at this point. Cleaning the contacts is my first choice.
  14. I'll take to the top of a high grassy knoll with a large rock at the peak, obviously
  15. I have also had it not quite align just right hooking it up (or I bumped it?) before and have it stop charging and had to hook it up again.
  16. I haven't had the problem but the others that have mentioned it it was slightly corroded/dirty contacts. It seems unlikely that the magnet would weaken. Does anything seem loose inside the charger or detector? The expected life on the battery is over 3 years, and a battery problem should show by the detector losing its charge faster, not taking longer to charge. That's all I can think of. One more, you could always use a clamp of some kind to hold the charger tight to the back to test that
  17. Yeah, I'm saying if it was an ad for the excalibur it would still be corny but would at least make sense. Having a vanquish stuck in a rock is corny and makes no sense. Hard to imagine why they went with that. Maybe they should have named it Glamdring or Orcrist ?
  18. Yeah, it would still be a head shaker, but it would at least make sense with excalibur.
  19. Hey midalake, Ever since your thread I have been watching for what you described in all the beach hunting videos I've watched (I have lots of dead time at work and live nowhere near saltwater). What your experiencing has to be site specific or a flaw in your particular nox. It is easy to see in lots of videos that the target doesn't fade out with the wave action. I'd try in a few other places and if you still experience the same take video of the problem and get ahold of minelab.
  20. If it extended the waterproof depth to say 10m I could see it being useful. Otherwise I just expect the nox to do what it says it will or minelab to make good on it, which it sounds like they are pretty good about.
  21. No idea. I haven't hooked it up to a computer to check what version I have yet! It's pretty new so not sure if I need to update or if it has the update already. I'll get around to checking eventually.
  22. Yeah, I was going to say the same. $30+/hour would not be a deterrent for the vast majority of people. I'd be very happy to hit half that, and would be happy to recover costs for my hobby.
  23. I might also just drill some small holes in a sheet of plastic and use that. I'm less interested in it sifting than just having a surface above water I can dump on and find the target easier.
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