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okara gold

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Everything posted by okara gold

  1. Did a wet sand hunt today and the M8 finally sniffed out some gold. It's marked inside the band... Black Hills Gold 10K and weighs 1.3 grams. It was roughly 10 inches deep and gave a nice clear tone with an ID of around 19. No denying it was a good target to dig. The heart is marked sterling, and the little O ring is .925.
  2. Mine has been below water more than above water for over 1 year now and no leaks or problems.
  3. Thanks for a good in-depth report Chase. I recently acquired the M8 coil and have used it exclusively on the beach. Looking forward to hunting inland in the Northern states once Spring comes. Just by reading your experiences with it, it has given me better expectations of its performance. Time will tell!
  4. I have one of Steves' lower rods for the M8. It fit and works just fine!
  5. I've been using the M8 at the beach and one thing I have noticed is the abundance of open earrings it is finding. They are supposed to be difficult to find when open but the M8 doesn't seem to have a problem with them. I am definitely finding more than I did with the M11. No gold yet but the coil is alerting me quite well when a non-ferrous target is under it. This picture shows some of the junk jewelry I have found. There are more but I usually throw it in a bucket and didn't think of taking any pics. I am running a sensitivity of 27 to 28 on the wet salt sand, prospecting audio and a speed of 4.
  6. My motto has always been... To go where no man has gone before. It can pay big dividends.
  7. Now that's a nice-looking ring! Congrats on all the great finds.
  8. I have the M8 and have used it solely at the salt beaches in and out of the water. You can certainly boost the sensitivity in the wet sand and completely submerged. I am hunting at a sensitivity around 27 in Beach Low Conductors along the water's edge and up the slope with not too much background noise but there is chatter depending how fast you swing, sand anomalies, etc. But... I always push the noise limits which I am used to by now. In the water (4 times now), I can hunt around 26 or 27 Beach Submersed and sometimes Beach General depending on the bottom contour. It is much easier to swing than the 11 inch. It seems as deep as the larger coil and is more sensitive to tiny bits of metal. One problem I have are tiny bits of metal falling through the scoop. I am hunting salt beaches with hardly any mineralization.
  9. Hey Brad!! I'm glad someone remembers me! 😂 Things have been slow here. I went back to work all this past week so no hunting for me. I have been a painting contractor for 32 years and now do just a few jobs by word of mouth. So, the only thing swinging lately is a paint brush. 😭Stay tuned!!
  10. Yes... Apparently, Tom is saying that a recovery speed of 4 is the best "marriage" of the Manticores electronics and a wet-salt environment. I have tried switching between a 3 and 4 speed on numerous targets as a test and for me, the recovery speed of 4 is sharper in audio and also lets me run my sensitivity higher.
  11. This is what Tom D said about using a 3 or 4 recovery. I would much rather you keep Recovery Speed on '4' ((than 3)). If conditions are allowing/authorizing you to drop your Recovery Speed....... I would much rather you bump up Sens by a point or two. , . , . , . , rather than deviating from a Recovery Speed of 4. ((( In most places around the World........ a Recovery Speed of '4' creates a electronic symbiotic harmonious quescense balance between electronics VS wet-salt ))).
  12. Nice going on the clean-up that the other guy missed!
  13. A few years ago, I was hunting in the water in the Adirondack Mt's in NY State. The area is known for having deposits of iron ore. This is a picture of the inside and outside of my scoop that I have a magnet attached to and is covered in black sand after just a few target digs. This was with the Nox 800. Before that, I was using the Excal and it struggled to pick up a nickel several inches deep along the shore. The shoreline was covered with black sand and literally shut down the Excal. That prompted me to buy my first PI and those areas were never a problem again.
  14. 99% of the time I'm running recovery at 4 on the salt beaches with the M11. I have tried 3 but the ground response is way too broad and reacts to the salt too much. If I slow my swing speed to a snail's pace, I could possibly hunt on 3 without too much background noise. Coil control is also so, so important. I'm looking forward to getting the M8 as it should enable me to run a much higher sensitivity level, thus punching deeper and hopefully a better response to chains. Also, with the M8 the salt response will be less.
  15. Nice hefty ring with some 18 and 14K thrown in just for fun! Congrats!
  16. That's a beauty for sure. I used to live in upstate NY and there are plenty of old areas to hunt. Open fields, woods, etc. Really miss that now that I'm full time in Florida but do several trips a year to visit family up north and return to the old areas. I always cringe and shake my head when I hear someone say, "That's the find of a lifetime or you'll never top that". Don't believe it! Around 1990 I found a 5 oz nugget in AZ. A lot of people said that's the find of a lifetime! It actually depressed me a little thinking... Wow... That's it? I've reached the pinnacle already? Nothing better for me?? About 6 years later I found a 15 oz nugget containing 12 troy oz of gold. So don't ever think that something you have found no matter how spectacular it is can't possibly be topped by you again...someday. I think it keeps the lure of the hunt strong.
  17. I saw rocks AND boulders not to mention some great jewelry. Interesting and fun read!
  18. What an absolutely awesome find. You say you're fairly new to this but certainly are making some stellar finds. Virginia is gold country too, so I wouldn't be surprised if you come across a nugget someday. Years ago, I had permission to camp and dredge for gold in Goldvein, VA. Stayed there for one month and left with 1/4 oz. Best to you and your future hunts!
  19. Great story of your 2023 hunts and very nice pictures to go with it all! Good luck in this new year!
  20. Congratulations on your first gold. It will be something you will always remember. That ring now needs some company. Go get some more.
  21. That sure is some nice looking gold! 18K is hard to beat and always a welcomed sight. There have been a number of times I found a gold medallion of some sort that came off a chain and I keep forgetting to search hard around the area for the chain. Next time we won't forget.
  22. Hey Brad. Maybe this will give you the urge to get wet. 😀 I was in the water a few days ago after the gulf calmed down enough for me to check out a trough that formed running parallel to shore. Hunted 3 hours… 2 gold rings. The thin tarnished ring is 10k and had been there a long time. The other is 14k. You’re right about no one getting in the water now so I’m watching the passing cold fronts causing big waves and hopefully sand movement in the water. This time it paid off. I broke the thin 10k when cleaning it. I'm wearing a 3mm full wetsuit but sometimes that isn’t enough for me to stay warm on windy, cloudy days. I’m looking for a heavier one now.
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