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Relief From Detector's Elbow (pain)

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I didn't know where else to put this but I thought I would try here but if it needs to be moved Steve go for it. A little background, I am in no way affiliated with this company other than I bought one of these to help relieve my elbow pain. In addition to detecting I coach golf, do a lot of push-ups/pull-ups in my fitness routine and drag my scoop behind me when on the beach. My elbows always used to hurt and there were times I chose not to detect as my tendinitis was just to painful. I found armaid through a fitness friend and tried it out and bingo, it has helped to alleviate the pain I'd get from swinging my detector or anything else physical using my arms. As we age things don't quite work as they used to and pain shows up more often in our daily lives. When I started to see relief I thought this was too good not to share with the forum at DP as I'm sure many others suffer from elbow tendinitis as well as painful wrists and fingers so here is the website.


They have a bunch of videos that show you how to use it so it's pretty easy to get started. Again I have zero interest in the company and my only reason for sharing it here is that it might be able to help someone eliminate or lessen their arm pain so they can detect more. I tried to attach a picture but I ran into problems so I apologize for that.

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Hi Skate,

Interesting to have a look at. Thank you for posting.

In the meantime, you could try to put your elbow in your side and move the detector from side to side by turning your upper body.  As if your arm is part of your torso (elbow attached to your torso). Do not grip the handgrip too tightly. Almost let it rotate a little in your hand. This will give you some relief. Another possibility is to use an S-rod. As a comparison: my elbow hurts very fast when I swing my standard straight EQX800 and does not while swinging my AT Max with the standard S-rod. While the EQX is an excellent detector, most of the time I prefer the AT Max because it doesn't hurt my elbow. Just a personal thing maybe, but for me it's a big difference. Have a nice painless 2020. ? 

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Interesting, I usually use my other arm because I am ambidextrous and swap back and forth. Cool looking gadget looks like it would message the tendons pretty good.

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Hi Skate,  Having been in construction all my life I too have had intermittent bouts with tendonitis. The Armaid looks like a great tool for therapy and thanks for sharing. For short term relief I have had to rely on the over the counter NSAID's available.  Different NSAID's seem to work on pain in different ways.    I was able to use and get by on `Ibuprofen  for years,  then when the relief from that waned I found Naproxen.  

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12 hours ago, Skate said:

When I started to see relief I thought this was too good not to share with the forum at DP as I'm sure many others suffer


Thanks for sharing the link and I will order one of them to try out.

Please let me know when you come across something that will keep my ears from ringing when I get home. My wife yells at me for hunting every chance I get and I think it is causing ear problems.

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I had cortisone shots in my elbow. Right at the pain site, I told the doctor I need something to put between my teeth next time He laughed and said "Bite the bullet." Easy for him to say. Then I got a strap with a gel pad on it. That helped some. You might look into some joint supplement like Insta-Flex. Do your own search there. I'm allergic to most of that stuff with shellfish in it. But it helped. Mainly use it for my knee. Also got some InvigoFlexGS. Other than that maybe try a lighter detector The XP Deus (or ORX) are so light.   


P.S. I don't like taking cortisone shots. I think it is bad for my immune system--my allergies flared up. 

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Thanks for all the suggestions and like everyone, I've tried them all. Cortisone shots are brutal and I had one in my right elbow ONCE ? and that was it. In order to keep my arthritis and inflammation in check I've changed my diet to pretty much zero carb and now utilize tools like the ArmAid. I still like to compete in Spartan racing so as get closer to 60 I have to work harder at recovery than preparation it seems. I'm a perfectionist to a fault and this most recent bout of elbow tendinitis came from teaching the flop shot to my golf team. I got to practice late, didn't warm up and between 6 kids I probably hit and demonstrated the shot about 200 times. I couldn't brush my teeth that night. I like to think I'm getting wiser as I get older but there seems to be very little evidence to back that up. 

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