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I read articles that there were so many miners that the US government gave each miner in California a claim of 50 SQ. Feet because there was no land available to prospect .....

So they dug that 50 feet claim to the Earth's Core.

The state of Arizona government got tired of the high crime rate, claim jumping, and simply murdering of families to take their property that 1,000's of Mexican, Chinese, Italian, Irish, African and many others were simply rounded up and deported back to their country (and a lot dropped of near New Mexico) because they didn't want to join unions (Copper Unions).

I have seen several claims with the owners buried on the actual claim, and the head stone read, murdered for his gold claim and the headstone erected by his grand children, also 100's of headstones in Nevada and Arizona abandoned cemeteries out in the desert marked found dead (Name Unknown)....... I also have seen several tomb stones with found shot with dates of 1842 to 1861 (name unknown)....




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I am fairly sure this will be deleted....but what government? Why list those groups?

most mining districts in the western USA were run by miners. Canada and Australia ran things different....

anyway....the group that chased away , robbed and stole was not mentioned.

with respect


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