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Missed One

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A couple of years ago I was prospecting an area in the southwestern Arizona desert and picking up a few small bits, mainly in drywash piles (dryblower heaps), when I received a decent, deep sounding signal from the detector in bench gravels above the present dry stream bed, which turned out to be a solid, dense 1/2 ounce beauty of a nugget. I searched the surrounding area thoroughly and turned up a few more small bits, but nothing more of any size. Recently, I decided to target the same area using a different detector mode that is designed to punch deep on dense, sluggy gold. Sure enough, in a spot that I had gone over multiple times before, I got a faint, repeatable signal that ended up being a lovely 2/3 ounce chunk of a nugget at nearly 2 feet (61 cm) deep. I’ll be giving this location another good going over with a large coil to see what other golden goodies may yet be lurking in the depths.




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Deep lead in ... (JPs words)

You knew more could be there so you found what you had missed.

How 'often' do you find gold over 6-7" deep?  I mean are there places in Arizona/Nevada where gold can be anywhere from surface down to several feet?

Now thinking about what I just said ... perhaps there are places like that where the dry washers have gone down to the pay and then detected it.  There were holes like that all over Australia with several feet of goldless ground about the pay.  It probably depends on how far up the sides a channel you go.  Seems obvious now ...


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Wow! Nice chunk! I can relate. I have been discovering the subtleties of deep chunky gold. You take such better care of your zed. I know you use yours as much if not more than I. Mine is a bit more beat up. Good job on many levels!

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2 minutes ago, Walker said:

You take such better care of your zed. I know you use yours as much if not more than I.

Heck Walker, he's probably on his second one...

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Hey Guys,

    I know both guys, Lunk and Walker, both great friends and some of the best metal detectorists I have met in the last 25 years.  Congrats on the deep one Lunk, those always seem to turn out nice if they are gold.  The GPZ 7000 is an amazing detector for small gold and large gold at depth.  Also, the GPZ does wonders on gold that is crystalline in nature or specimens. 

Wishing you much more success!


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7 hours ago, DigsAlot said:

That is a chunk Lunk. I hope you find more in that area. What was the setting, Deep?


Extra Deep, to be exact.🙂

4 hours ago, mn90403 said:

How 'often' do you find gold over 6-7" deep?  I mean are there places in Arizona/Nevada where gold can be anywhere from surface down to several feet?

Quite often, which could just be because I typically target areas that have been flogged, so the shallow gravy is long gone and there is still gold at depth to be found by the savvy Zed operator. I have found that most desert placers I hunt can indeed have gold at any depth within the gravels.

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