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Is This For Real In Western Australia?

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So I have been watching some Parker's Trials and Aussie Gold Hunters.......... ?

But on both shows now they say that if you "peg" a claim it is considered Pending and can be "prospected" (aka metal detected) by the public for about 8-12 months until it is no longer Pending.  Is this really true?  Do people peg to throw other prospectors off?  Like send them on a wild goose chase? ?  In the US I am sure that would not fly at all.  I mean you do the work to find a good claim and then people can see on Tengraph where it is and go to town on it.  There would be for sure some shooting going on. ?  

So as long as you have a Miner's Right, do a little research on gold bearing areas, find some Pending claims in those areas, then you are good to go?  Is this how a lot of detectorists hunt in WA?

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It depends on a number of factors how long a "pegged" lease is pending. The native title process is usually the slow moving train. If the area has a native title determination (or even a NT claim pending) then it needs to go through the bureaucratic process which can take 6-8 months if you are lucky. 

In other areas where there is no NT established or extinguished, the pegging to live lease can be less than 10 weeks. 

I've got about 10 leases, I particularly like the 10 week ones...

As Dave above says, its the same for everyone so I too go on pending leases.



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