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Equinox 800 Vs Specialty Gold Detector

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Sorry if this topic has been covered before but I'm having trouble with the search function on mobile. 

I am considering purchasing a second detector to go along with my White's TDI. Here in AZ I am primarily interested in gold prospecting but I am "detecting curious" when it comes to finding other objects. I'm looking for a ballpark estimate on how effective (80%-90%) the equinox 800 is compared to a dedicated gold machine like the gold master 24k or the gold monster.  Hopefully someone who has owned both types of machine can reply. 

To sum up: I own a TDI and would like to increase my prospecting capabilities. How much would I be missing out on by going with the Equinox over other gold machines?

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I have found some very small gold with my 800 in places I went over already with my gold bug 2. That being said if I were buying new and strictly a gold hunter I would buy a gold machine it's what they are made for and they will do a better job. But in your case the nox it's a good choice. It's an awesome coin/relic machine and is very good at small gold nuggets. Since your looking for a number I would say 90% of a gold monster if you get the 6 inch coil for the nox. 

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I concur with CK,  the 800,  maybe slightly better than 90% with the 6" , but you will also gain with it's great versatility in other areas. You didn't mention any details about your TDI,  but stock even with the 8X6 Sadie you won't pick up  much under a 1/2 gram. From sub grain and larger the NOX will do well to increase your recovery abilities. 

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The more you learn the 800 the better you will be and you will find many other uses for it in the long run.

The 800 will get what you are looking for if it is small or big pieces of gold it willl find it. Just learn the unit and it will serve you well.

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Really great posts already. I’ll go simple. I recommend buying a detector based on your intended use. If all you intend to do is prospect for gold nuggets, get a 24K or a Gold Monster... etc. If you want a detector for nuggets plus coins and jewelry, relics, beach... can’t go wrong with an Equinox.

You can find gold nuggets either way if you dedicate yourself to mastering whichever model you decide to get. We are blessed with a lot of top performing detectors these days. Kind of like buying a car really... which one has the features you want? But they all will get you to the store and back.

Gold Nugget Detector Guide

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The    Nox  can  do much more then gold hunt well.The 24 k is  mostly a gold machine.The 24k does have the 6" concentric and that is a very sensitive coil for gold.  You can use that coil in all   ground   but  very hot ground. The Nox  does  not have    that  coil.    Both will get  the job done for gold.If you can afford both then get the lobster and the cracked     crab.(Trading place movie)Why can't we  get both.

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Thank you for all the well thought out responses.  I especially appreciate the response from phrunt.  That is the type of comparison I was looking for.  


I also found some youtube videos by Bill Southern where he takes the equinox prospecting.  


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I was detecting nuggets with the Equinox before anyone in the U.S. and wrote it up as a nugget machine way before others even thought of giving it a try. Nice to see others eventually see the light. :smile:


But I’d still recommend a dedicated unit unless you perceive value in the other functionality the Equinox offers. Sometimes excess capability gets in people’s way. The Gold Monster is a far better choice for people who just want to get the job done. If you read my link above, you will see you just don’t grab and go detect nuggets with an Equinox. You have to master the skill. I’m Equinox fan number 1, but it’s not for everyone when it comes to nugget detecting. However, if you are willing to take the time and seriously apply yourself to mastering it, it is an amazing machine.

The 24K is now kind of off the list with White’s going by the wayside.

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