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Minelab GPX 6000 Revealed!

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Even though it has EMI settings for double D coils, I would want EMI mitigation for my monoloop. The other issue is that when I go over ground with different timings I get more gold that I didnt see. Similarly over time my settings have got hotter. Would these be possible? Or does this get it all the first time? Bring on the first testers

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That Arabic video shows clearly the incompatible screw on end connector compared to existing GPX coils. Completely different pin layout. Typical Minelab - - -

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Dang, it does look like a different, larger connector. That seems like a strange thing to do if it means all prior GPX coils won't work with the 6000. That was one of the best things about the GPX platform, and I was understanding the 6000 incorporated the best parts of the GPX and SDC platforms...

I suppose one could make an adapter like for the X Coils. Unless they got smart and put a chip in the connector and a chip in the coil which authenticate each other to prevent that sort of thing too...

On the bright side, it looks like they finally lengthened the shafts? 

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This is all speculation, but it seems like in the LCD display has bars representing a relative depth of the target? So I wonder if it’ll show where the target is in that bar range. Like, bottom bar, deep, top bar close. So perhaps the depth display coupled with tone/loudness of the target would give the user an idea on if it’s trash. A deep screamer might be the biggest nugget ever, vs a buried Volkswagen to pass up.  

Also, it reminds me of the design on Whites GMX Sport, and gold monster in the simplistic design. It really seems to be the over all goal, a GPX 5000 with the simplicity of a newer VLF. 

I’m relative novice so many grains is salt, just my impressions. Being a novice though w/o a pulse induction or any sunken cost into other coils for a similar platform this detector is very interesting to me. At the end of the day, does it find gold, and does it mean I’m spending more time with the coil over the ground vs messing with settings.

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They should do a better job with coordinating video releases. Funny that the very first video is in Arabic without an English version with the whole world watching. 

Also, I don't see skid plates in the box unless they are already mounted on the coils. Hard to tell from the video.

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