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Wow ! I just read this and I'm exhausted. There is so much info on this site and I've barely tapped into it. I have always been a believer in that "You are never too old , or too young to learn something". I know you mentioned Steve that you were a dealer sometime ago. But didn't know you were involved with all these different detectors. Now how cool is that ! But I really don't get the whole Aussie or Poppy drama. The bumper stickers are great , well done and true. Bottomline is you can't please all the people all the time. I like what you got going on here info wise. I haven't been on many forum's , let alone FB for that matter. But after some 40 years of hunting , I still know a few guys who like to be anonymous who are still alive. I like to learn more about what is wrong with a product more than how great something is. Not sure about the whole "Hype" thing either. I won't bash a product unless I've tried it for awhile. How can I "hype" something I've never used ? I've been reluctant to post here on some experiences with dealers or a product I've used because I feel some may question what I've gone through. Even when I post pics backing up my statements. This has happened on another forum and it just gets a bit old. But at the same time , others could  learn from my experience. Especially if one is on the fence regarding said product. Anyway , if you can't laff at yourself , who you gonna laff at ?

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8 hours ago, King-Of-Bling said:

But didn't know you were involved with all these different detectors. Now how cool is that !

I’ve lead a blessed life in many ways. I developed a passion for metal detecting as a teenager in 1972, became a White’s dealer just before I graduated from high school in 1976, and detecting has been a constant in my life ever since. I became a large multi line dealer, forged connections with all the manufacturers, and other enthusiasts like me. Being a dealer meant talking detectors every day... I got paid to do what I love! I still marvel at that. I just love talking detectors. That’s why I’m here now, and if you ever met me, all I will do is talk about detectors as long as anyone will listen. I could easily talk all day for a week straight about metal detectors, and not run out of steam. :laugh:

And I have had a bit to do with a few things. That conductivity switch on the White’s TDI for instance, probably would not have happened without me. That feature is unique, and therefore I’m tickled pick to have been able to see it happen. I’m quoted in a patent somewhere on something else. Little things, but I’ll have left my mark on the industry, and helped move the technology forward. For a little detector nerd from Anchorage, Alaska, it’s all been a dream come true. Few people get to truly live their passions, but I’m one of them. :smile:

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I hear that Steve! You were one of the lucky ones.

I had my dream job doing the concert circuit too , I still do a freebie on occasion for old friends but usually on a much smaller scale. 

BUT when I scored the pirate ship captain gig  I think I found my true self ! That might be why I ended up here ?   skuh kuh kuh kuh kuh    

 I even wrote a song for the kiddies ( yeah , it was in a theme park ! ) and they loved it !

I normally don't do this but to stay a tiny bit on topic (gold)  just for the gang here it is , hope y'all like it , I think you will.

Row row row yer boat , across the ocean green. 

Merrily , merrily , merrily , merrily ,,,,,ALL THE GOLD'S FOR MEEEEEEEEE arrrrrrrrrrrrrr !

(I release my rights on this one if any of you want to use it while prospecting)

It was all the wardrobe lady's fault , she told me to lead the kids in row row row yer boat if I ran out of things to say ( yes there was a script, which I accidentally dropped overboard the first day while walking the gunn'als,,  OOOOPS ! ) "Run out of things to say ! " she had NO idea........

If you can't live your passions , that's gotta suck.

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Passion is a beautiful thing, it gives you a reason to get out of bed in the morning and also helps a lot when life delivers you twists and turns. It can however be a problem when you’re around people who are challenged by your passion and either try to railroad it or compete in a negative way. This is the yuk of human nature and for me to mention it I also have to be honest and say I too suffer from the ‘human condition’. 

There are a few prime motivators, one is acceptance and the other is being mis-understood. The ugly comes out in both situations, one can be a defensive move because you’ve felt attacked which is reactionary, usually there is remorse when things cool down and hopefully you will be honest with yourself and others and make good, the other is probably the worst one because it can be more calculating. 

Seeking acceptance from others by attacking someone else to deliberately hurt that person especially in a social sphere is the worst kind of cruelty because a whole lot of like minded people can push the boundaries further and further till there is catastrophic damage. This is were forums can fall down and why Social Media is such a vipers den of iniquity! 

Sometimes I find myself getting a kick out of seeing someone get their comeuppance, but if you look at it that is exactly what is happening to me when I’m attacked, someone somewhere who does not like me is also getting a kick out of seeing me suffer too. So I try to keep that front and centre in my mind when words are being jousted about, often my emotions driven by passion get in the way. Choosing sides and ganging up either through words or actions is the human condition, when more aggressive personalities then bulge out of the main group pushing the boundaries to achieve group acceptance is when things can turn ugly. Hopefully cooler heads within the group will bring about balance and calm the groups down.

I like Steve get a kick out of talking about my passion, I like Steve have been heavily involved in this industry both in development and also retail for a very long time. We sell/sold what we believe in and can become hugely offended when accused of duplicity. That’s the level of our passion, but looking back I also realise that over time things change and improve and I along with it have hopefully also changed and improved. The thing to keep in mind is we are human and make mistakes and also change our minds, but at the time of writing believe strongly in what we are saying.

I miss out on a lot of business because I don’t chase every sale, I can’t because I do not want to totally commit to retail, unlike Steve I started in detector retail later in life so am less impassioned about the chase because I’m immersed elsewhere in my true passion which is metal detector development and prospecting. To me the shop is a distraction, if I focused on our shop and nothing else things would be a lot different but then I would not be able to spend time on what matters to me most. 

So call it Hype if you like but I’m still going to do what I do best and talk about the things I’m passionate about, if you don’t like it then please keep your opinions to yourself because I thrive on acceptance and hate being misunderstood.  😇


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29 minutes ago, Jonathan Porter said:

This is were forums can fall down and why Social Media is such a vipers den of iniquity! 

FB is a classic example, it’s a cesspool of negativity and personal attacks on anyone and everyone. I’ve left nearly all groups and deleted quite a few ‘friends’ because of the negativity.


Back on topic, if we didn’t have the hype or the passion that everyone involved with ‘modern prospecting’ has, we’d still be out there with our pans and rocker boxes playing in the creeks.

It’s also nice to be able to pick up a new passion (as I have) and get out in the bush and look for the yellow stuff. Always keen for my next outing.

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