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The GPZ Is Fragile!

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I have had GP machines from the Extreme to the 4500 and nothing has EVER broken despite thousands of hours in the field being banged around, in the back of my pickup and on ATVs over rough trails.

I noticed that my GPZ has started rebooting and loosing it's current setting whenever I lay it on the ground. I have used one of Docs protective covers since I bought it.


I took off the cover and found this:



It appears that one of the pins that holds the battery in position has sheared off likely causing the reboot issue:


Luckily the broken pin was still in my big Minelab protective bag:


I'll try to epoxy it back on and treat the detector as if it is made of glass from now on. I'll admit that I have occasionally let it drop to the ground from a foot or two when going to dig a target. An apparently very bad habit I acquired when using the GPs. No more..

I'll see if I can fabricate a pad for the broken stand since I don't see this part available from ML separately. 

I bought the machine used with about 10 hours of prior usage, so no warranty for me.

Just posting this so you guys won't have the same issue. 


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Thanks for that JP!? Since day one with the detector I have noticed that my WM12 audio sometimes drops out randomly as well. I used to build PCs, so reseating the mylar cable should be easy enough and hopefully solve both issues. ?

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 Yikes! I am the type that could break the horn off an anvil. I use my 7000 about as hard as anyone on this planet and contrary to my initial fears it has held up very well (3+ years) but I do put a bit more effort in not knocking it around. The foot on my 7000 lasted 2 days. I never replaced it. I have broken about 37 lower shafts Until I made my own fix. I have to agree with Steve- The GPX7000 is not fragile.

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You're right Steve and thanks for the parts link. I'll contact my local dealer for the 2008-005 replacement part. 

I opened the box. The data cable appeared to be slightly pulled out at the right side, but not by much: 


I cleaned and reseated it. I epoxied the battery locator pin back in place and it appears good to go. 

I'll get out in a few days and see if the issues are resolved.

Thanks for the help!

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I put a cut-in-half section of pool noodle inside Doc's protective cover under the detector for extra cushioning. 
Also, I never treat that machine like anything other than the 7 to 10  thousand dollar item that it is. It's worth that extra few seconds to treat it well.
Picks on the other hand? I don't worry so much about.


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1 hour ago, flakmagnet said:

I put a cut-in-half section of pool noodle inside Doc's protective cover under the detector for extra cushioning. 
Also, I never treat that machine like anything other than the 7 to 10  thousand dollar item that it is. It's worth that extra few seconds to treat it well.
Picks on the other hand? I don't worry so much about.


A great idea! Thanks. 

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