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1 hour ago, Aureous said:

There are a few technicians here in Oz that have huge experience with GPX repairs, circuit boards etc. I can recommend Detectronics and Detectormods. The GPX PCB diagram is well known now, thanks to ML being hacked by Chinese spies several years ago. A few hundred bucks might completely repair it and then you have a $3K+ machine that you can trade-in or sell towards a 6000 or 7000. Worth a thought. 

I thought about asking Woody.  I'll have to look into Detectronics.  Thanks for this info.

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1 hour ago, Calmark said:

My point comparing my dad's unit to mine was I could swap 1 or all of his known good, new components onto my GPX, including a box swap and still mine would have the issues.  I know I've gone over areas I worked with the 5000 with my 4500 and found missed gold, though I've done that to areas covered with my SDC too.  Conditions, coils and gridding different directions are all variables here along with the use of different GPX machines.

With the GPX 6000 coming out soon I've considered possibly trading in some or all of my gold detectors toward the new GPX.  I've been thinking of my GPX 5000 more lately and wonder what value it has since it doesn't make much sense in a lot of ways to spend $2100+ on a new circuit board.  Its noisy to use for me and tests my concentration.  The 4500 gets EMI too, but not to the same degree.  I have an MP4 audio file of it being noisy but I can't link that here.  I wonder if the 5000 I have sounds defective to other experienced users or not.

Thanks for the help so far.

I don’t understand, you swap pretty much everything including the box and sill have the problem?

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Thanks Aureous for the suggestion to check into Detectronics or Woody for possible repair.

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My control box is the source of the extra noise.  I've changed out coils, headphones, factory ML battery and tried 2 different Doc's Gold Screamer battery systems and nothing changes.  I've done this at home, but also on site in the mountains and at both locations still get the extra noises.  

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I’m a sick individual that enjoys the challenge of repairing a unit like this if I get it cheap enough.  I spent months repairing a GP Extreme with a blown front end I got for $500 several years ago. I found someone in Australia that was a super great help. I am talking repairing a board with no schematics and just relying on years of working on stuff to find sources of intermittents and bad components with little idea of what the replacement part might be.

So if you have a GPX closet queen I’d love to have a chance buying it or trade one of my many detectors for it (preferred approach).  I’m happy with my GP Extreme - even got a second one I couldn’t turn down. I run one with a Beach Hog Bigfoot type coil and another with a mono coil.  I use a Bluetooth transmitter for audio on one and two 18650 cells in  Fatshark housing.  I have several coils to use, gotten from eBay, but I don’t go desert hunting anymore - just beach hunting for me.  

I haven’t seen any ads for non-working Minelab detectors.  Don’t know why you guys don’t post something. I don’t do repairs.  I only take on one of these if it is worth it to me. To have a GPX-5000 would awesome.  I might even try desert or mother load areas again if I had one.

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47 minutes ago, Calmark said:

My control box is the source of the extra noise.  I've changed out coils, headphones, factory ML battery and tried 2 different Doc's Gold Screamer battery systems and nothing changes.  I've done this at home, but also on site in the mountains and at both locations still get the extra noises.  

Ahh ok....just where you said “including a box swap” sounded like you used your dads box and still got the noises which left me scratching my peanut.

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