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Eq800 Prospective Upgrade Date

aerospace guy

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I haven't heard Steve H. give his opinion on approximately when the EQ800 might be "upgraded". I know it's only speculation but I'm trying to see how long the wait might be, over a year shorter, longer? I wish to buy one but after reading all the posts about people sending EQ's back 3 times and 6 inch coils multiple times etc., I think it would be prudent of me to wait for another "iteration" of the EQ, IF it is not going to be long (1 year or more). Thoughts? Also thoughts on the EQ800 as a "gold detector" for "small" gold. I bought quite a few years ago a Nokta Fors because it was recommended as an "all around" detector by Steve and I was splitting my time beach hunting and desert prospecting. It, the Nokta did/does find small gold if conditions are "right" such as the gold being about a size 12 or +20 classified size, shallow depth and laying flat or "broadside up. Would the EQ800 do better than this in you're opinions in "mineralized SoCal ground? Feedback greatly appreciated!

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Minelab is focused on getting the new GPX 6000 nugget detector to market in 2021, and with the Equinox and Vanquish being recent releases, it would not seem another coin detector is due any time soon. Minelab appears to take turns refreshing the coin detectors, and then the gold nugget detectors, and right now gold nugget detectors are getting the love.

Multi-IQ packs more punch in general on gold nuggets than single frequency options, and the Equinox 800 does extremely well on small gold.


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Negative detector issues get the most press because a properly operating detector is not news.  What you don’t get is perspective, namely what percentage of users are actually experiencing problems.  I do think some small percentage of Equinox users have been the victim of some design shortcomings tha manifest themselves when you are exposing the Equinox close to the environmental limits of its design and there is always a percentage that are just predetermined to break because of a subtle manufacturing or parts flaw.  

3 facts to consider - 1. Because of its performance, features, and value, the Equinox is a ridiculously popular detector and huge seller.  To the point that ML had no qualms permanently upping the sales price by $50 this month (doh!). 2.  ML has continued to incrementally update the detector with no less than 3 firmware updates.  This further buys ML time in the product development schedule that it will likely be at least another year before we see a new Multi IQ iteration. 3.  Despite the noted issues, I have never seen anyone complain that ML is not standing behind the Equinox with an essentially no questions asked level of warranty support.

So while you are waiting for Equinox to be perfected, that is not stopping targets from being sucked out of the ground by the huge army of Equinox users out there.  

Regarding mineralized ground, I consider Equinox to be in the top 3 of VLF IB detectors that excel as much as a VLF IB detector can excel in hot ground.

Just some food for thought.


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I have owned 5 different Nox models and I still own two. I have had one very slight problem with a Nox 600 that would not recognize any of my aftermarket Bluetooth headphones or earbuds. I sent it in and they sent me a "new" control pod with no questions asked that they also waterproof and pressure tested. I have had NO leaks, NO coil ear problems, NO arm cuff problems and only a tiny bit of lower shaft wobble which some plumbing teflon tape fixed quickly. Last time I checked my hunt logs I had over 4000 hours swinging the two Equinox 800s  that I currently own and a 600 that I recently sold. 

I have submerged them gently in salt and freshwater, used them in desert, beach, mud, turf, mountain side above 10,000 feet elevation environments, in snow, rain, and 20 to +100 degree F temperatures. 

I have never used a more versatile or better functioning detector for gold prospecting, coins and jewelry or relics except for the worst bed of iron nails/trash you could imagine, when I pull out the XP Deus. For bad mineralization the Equinox in any mode will out perform any other IB VLF whether it is multi frequency or single frequency. If the Equinox can't handle the soil conditions it is time for a pulse induction detector.


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2 hours ago, aerospace guy said:

Also thoughts on the EQ800 as a "gold detector" for "small" gold.

I could give you mine, but this guy (Gerry McMullen) has a lot more experience in the field:


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2 hours ago, Chase Goldman said:

So while you are waiting for Equinox to be perfected, that is not stopping targets from being sucked out of the ground by the huge army of Equinox users out there.

Good Point!!!  Each year one waits to get a better, upgraded detector, there’s plenty of master hunters here in So Cal vacuuming up the valuables/collectibles out of the ground....for example, if you’re a park/turf hunter, they’ll be in upwards of 1000 less silver (coinage and jewelry) to find in the ground each year an Equinox sits on a dealer’s shelf rather than in a treasure hunter’s hands.  If you’re not a turf hunter, then you can wait a little while longer.  

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