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I thought about this I am sure we can all learn something about each other and maybe remember who to reach out to if we find ourselves in a situation that we can draw from everyone’s experience 

what do you mainly detect? Dirt, Beach, Water, Parks or something I missed

me dirt relics occasionally I will coin hunt but not very often 

items searched for ? Jewelry, Coins in general, old coins at cellar holes, relics 

pastures and house sites

swing speed?  Fast or slow

me faster than I probably should

swing height? Scrub the ground, coil raised

i scrub the ground 

favorite Frequency to hunt in ?

from the ML line 7.5 kHz for deep stuff 18.75 kHz for small stuff   I don’t know about the Tarsacci yet but I will hopefully have it in hand next week.  

Throw stuff out here on this thread.  Y’all have been super helpful on my first post and would like to know each a little better and what you like to look for. 

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Hot dog Jim if we tell you everything we know then you’ll know more than we do.haha 

I’ve always hunt with the coil lowest to the ground as I can get .My swing is slow and listening for those signals that’s hard to hear .

 I hunt anywhere I can and for anything I dig up. My first love is hunting around old home places.

 Being I worked for the phone company that helped to get access to a lot. I know one place that at one time had maybe a fairgrounds that closed up about 1945 and that was a great place to hunt.

 The detector I started out hunting with was a BFO and then TR both from whites. I did make one before theses but not sure what it was.

  I’ll add more later.


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1 hour ago, Ridge Runner said:

Hot dog Jim if we tell you everything we know then you’ll know more than we do.haha 

I’ve always hunt with the coil lowest to the ground as I can get .My swing is slow and listening for those signals that’s hard to hear .

 I hunt anywhere I can and for anything I dig up. My first love is hunting around old home places.

 Being I worked for the phone company that helped to get access to a lot. I know one place that at one time had maybe a fairgrounds that closed up about 1945 and that was a great place to hunt.

 The detector I started out hunting with was a BFO and then TR both from whites. I did make one before theses but not sure what it was.

  I’ll add more later.


Thanks Chuck.  I appreciate your reply.  This can be a really fun group I can tell 

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3 hours ago, JimT said:

swing speed?  Fast or slow

me faster than I probably should

swing height? Scrub the ground, coil raised

i scrub the ground 

favorite Frequency to hunt in ?

from the ML line 7.5 kHz for deep stuff 18.75 kHz for small stuff   I don’t know about the Tarsacci yet but I will hopefully have it in hand next week.  


I have already forgot more than most people know........?

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2 minutes ago, midalake said:


I have already forgot more than most people know........?


I don’t doubt it.  I have read so many ORs diaries books letters from soldiers trying to find camps I have a hard time keeping it all straight these days 

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 That’s the way it is as one gets older in we forget.

 Hey Jim  

 If and when you get a Tarsacci you will find it loves gold .

 It’s well made.

 When you push the on button you don’t have to hold it down until it comes alive. You push it’s on and the same powering it down.

 You don’t have to remember what a I-con stands for because you don’t have any. You have a abbreviated word for each mode are setting that’s easy to understand.

 You will find the voltage drain is low and slow.

 If the battery goes out you have a backup that’s furnished. You don’t have to run looking for a UBS port . 

 Sorry I got sidetracked.


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Mine will be shipped to me tomorrow. Wouldn’t have a chance to use it this weekend anyway they are calling for rain starting tomorrow.  Time to go back and watch more videos, take notes and make some flash cards 

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 Be sure to join the Tarsacci forum if you haven’t already.

All those videos that Aaron has gone to the trouble of making is a great help.

 If you can’t get out when you get your Tarsacci it’s not like lots of other detectors I’ve yet to find anything inside that bothers it.

 The Best To You Jim !


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