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How Much Can You Raise In A Pinch?

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Well put Jim and also to add a little of todays terminology.  The term "Gold Digger" is quite controversial.

Thanks for the little history lesson.

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Klunker...Now i have to go and test that gold i bought  lol


I would think that other factors besides the size of the thumb and forefinger come into play...soft fingers for instance would be more likely to pinch more gold and hold onto it longer then hardened fingers...thus there would be more per pinch...also fingers that have calluses and crevices (older miners like Klunker) will catch and retain some gold...I think they knew about and used these tricks at times. ?


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16 minutes ago, strick said:

I would think that other factors besides the size of the thumb and forefinger come into play...

Wasn't a shot of whiskey often paid for with a pinch?  As the night wore on, I can imagine the actual quantity of gold per pinch might have gone up if the bartender were unscrupulous.

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4 hours ago, strick said:

I would think that other factors besides the size of the thumb and forefinger come into play

  I used to keep a 30 caliber pistol ball hidden beneath the counter. I would squeeze it real hard between my thumb and finger while I negotiated the number of pinches. due to inflation I have gone to a 50 caliber musket ball.

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I remember reading that in the during the Alaska Gold Rush in the Klondike, that the miners would just hand their poke to the bartender, and the bartender would take out the needed pinches.  You were supposed to turn your back to the bartender when they did the actually pinching, as otherwise you were showing them disrespect.  It was the honor system.  There were tricky bartenders though who would run their hands thru their hair after every transaction, and then wash their hair at home to collect the gold dust.



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2 hours ago, Jim McCulloch said:

So, Klunker, were you a saloon keeper during the California Gold Rush?

 Yes. In a past life. I was such a bad person that I have been reincarnated among the lowest of the low. - A prospector.



















































































































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