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How ya doing y’all I’m from Ky and it’s simple ( I think I know where this is going to go but I’ll say it ) I’m looking for the best   scrap GOLD  detector for hunting for jewelry lost around old lake beaches and parks. Any help with that would be absolutely great ! Thanks y’all I appreciate it already ! 

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Welcome to the site first and foremost, and now I suggest that you make sure that you get a waterproof detector.

Should you ever drop it in the water there is a good chance that it won't be toast if you do.

The Equinox 800 fits your needs all around, and is very good at almost everything that you would ever want to find.

I know that others will also have other suggestions, so please remember that not only can you find more stuff in any soil with it, but you can even take it to the gold fields out west should you ever decide to.

Also keep in mind that it has the longest warranty out there for a detector.

I am in the middle of Illinois and use it for many reasons and have found more than my fair share of goodies. My grandfather had it before me and he found even more than me.

I hope that this helps and good luck on making a decision.

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Welcome to the forum!

I second Valens Legacy with caveats - I have a 600 and have found gold items. The 800 is at the top for a reason, but the gold modes seem more for "field" gold than beach gold.

I don't hunt beaches much except when traveling, so for me the 600 is fine. You'll probably find that the beach modes work better than the gold modes on beaches. It's something I've wondered about, as I've been able to use the Park settings on the higher beach for much greater depth, at least until the beach gets loaded with cell phones. ? I'm sure if you read through posts about jewelry detecting you'll get a wealth of information. Here's a start about using gold modes on the beach:

The Equinox takes a bit of getting used to, yes you can turn it on, set a mode and go but if your expectations are greater than your experience... Well I've seen some jump in on this forum that were greatly disappointed because of the machine's complexity. You didn't mention your experience, so we have no way of knowing and may insult you.

You also didn't mention budget, but expect to be in the over $1,000 range if pursuing the Equinox 800, a pinpointer, and a good sand scoop. A good park rig is a couple hundred more.

Best of luck to ya and post pics of what you dig!

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I appreciate yalls time ! I’m thinking around 800-900$ is what I’m gonna spend but of course if I can get by cheaper then I will - I’m finding a lot about gold detectors but it seems they are talking about gold nuggets and not so much as jewelry 

- are they the same when detecting ? I’m guessing not because low karats are mixed metals - 

- when I say the beaches around here in Ky I’m talking about hmmm how to explain- not our Gulf of Mexico beaches I’m talking about course like rocky lake sand like in creeks. Does that make sense ? Does it make a difference? Are the two different sands alike in metal detecting ? I know I’m asking a lot and I don’t want to aggravate anybody trust me I’m only trying to find the best lost gold jewelry detector I can get for mostly Kentucky landscape . I been metal detecting for several years but I’m only just trying to get serious with them her lately and I really need someone by my side saying-(  now see there ! Hear the difference there ? See that ? That’s what your looking for , dig that ! ) I’m not dumb I’m a tool and die maker / certified machinist with what I like to think of having a level head LOL so if any of that info helps maybe I can set my sights on one I’m ready to buy or trade . I have a Fisher F44 like new with the DD coil and the Garrett pro pointer and stuff . Ide like to sell that and maybe buy something more suited for lost jewelry. Thanks alot people I appreciate your input ! 


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You plan on hunting fresh water and sand and almost any detector will work in those conditions, creeks, lakes, etc. I use the Equinox 600 and the Simplex + in those conditions and both work well and are waterproof. I like the Nox over all better as it has a few more features going for it then the Simplex +, but does cost more...but still nicely under your budget. Good luck, HH Jim Tn

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13 hours ago, Pinger said:

I know I’m asking a lot and I don’t want to aggravate anybody trust me I’m only trying to find the best lost gold jewelry detector I can get for mostly Kentucky landscape .

No problems there, we are here for people just like you and me, as I am a newbie also. The ground in this part of the country is very close to what you have and i know the 800 would be the best for you. Others might disagree with me, and that is their right to do so. If you do get the 800 remember that there is a learning curve that you will need to learn. Never think that once you get it that you are always going to find something good. It takes time to learn it, but that time will pay off in doing so. There is a category just for the Equinox in here and I search and read everything that I can just to make myself better a understanding what the detector is telling me. There are plenty of books that have been written on the 800 that also will help you. Should you ever have problems just ask us and we will help you out.

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Ok well I got my sights on an equinox 800 a part time dealer has in Cincinnati so shew man I hate to spend that much but I’m thinking it can most definitely pay itself off time and again not to mention that cache you may run into to make the books , but heck no matter what dust and pull tabs are in my near future LOL! I appreciate your time and y’all have a good one I’m sure I’ll be talking to ya . 

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Welcome aboard Pinger.

Remember one thing...

No detector will find things just by itself , you have to move it over something first ! LOL

Any detector will find a gold ring if it's below the coil (and not too deep). I'm assuming the Garrett isn't finding much so the search for something else ?  It may prove to be better than you thought when you get over some good stuff , don't give up on it yet , even if you do get something else. Every detector can work , just some work better under certain conditions... Many of us have more than one detector for varying locations.

The adjustability of something like an Equinox or Simplex isn't always needed..but sure hard to beat in difficult soils.  Have you tried setting up a "test garden" at your local sandy water spot to see what's what with the Garrett ?

The difference between an ocean beach and a lake or stream one is SALT ! Salt will complicate matters some.....multi Q , like the Equinox (and some other's have) is a good weapon against the salty stuff.

Plenty of reading to catch up on all the info posted here , you'll get there eventually !

I took several months , probably still not there, and with the recent down time I feel like I have to start all over ( so much being posted daily too) .

Happy hunting and keep us posted on how it's going...............









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. Welcome to the forum Pinger, glad to have you! 

    There are several detectors on the market that would fit the bill for park, beach, and even shallow water detecting! Waterproof my be an option for you, but can up the price! My suggestions are as follows:  

Non-Waterproof Multifrequency $$

MineLab- Vanquish  540

Garrett- Apex

Waterproof Multifrequency  $$+

MineLab Equinox- 600 or 800

Nokia Makro- Anfibio and Multi-Kruzer

   There are others that are single frequency that will work just fine too! One example is the Simplex+ by Nokta/Makro! It's Waterproof, and relatively inexpensive$, as compared to those above!  But may give you less adjustability for various conditions! 

   You can look at "Steve's Detector Reviews" on the forum, (His forum BTW) and also research the numerous posts on most all detector brands and categories by us members!

  Take the time to fine-tune exactly what you want! Then have fun!

Good Luck!!???

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