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Aqua Limited In India?

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We have been told on several occasions that it was impossible to export the Aqua limited outside of the United States and now on the official page of Fisher I find this publication.  How is this possible?


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If that's India, why isn't he speaking English?  Traditional languages are generally not used much there. India is said to be the second largest English speaking country.

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India loves their gold! That was a smart move on their part. High Karat gold at that. How they got around the battery thing is another question? If it's the same old battery then you need to buy 4 of them to do a good days hunt ? If it's Lithium, then maybe there will be a new version after all? Wonder what happens when it leaks.... who will fix it?

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Several years ago one of the big news stations went over to India and bought gold from several dealers. They all said the items they sold was all 14 K gold. 
Well they done a test on everything they bought and of all they bought only one was 14 K and it was a little over that. Everything else ran from about 11 to 13 K .


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There is more than one outside the U.S., but with Fisher maintaining radio silence on all things Impulse, it's hard to know what is going on. It may be they found selling even 100 of the AQ units was a challenge, and opened it up to sales outside the U.S.? I still wonder why they bothered with a website and Facebook page? No posts on their Facebook page since June 10th, which is odd, since the whole reason for Facebook is to communicate. I guess they thought they would be doing more than they have actually done by now. I hope they have not given up on the whole thing.

I hate to be a bummer guys, but I find the whole thing very disappointing. Not the machine itself per se, but the way FT is handling this, especially as regards letting their most faithful customers know what is going on. It's like they got our money, and now we get the finger.

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Thanks for the update Carl, good to know there is still hope.

I remember one of the issues with waterproofing the TDI being heat buildup. When the AQ was shipped with the pod filled with epoxy, it seemed to me that this might be an issue. Perhaps not so much causing component failures, though that might be part of the puzzle, but more of a "how do you service this thing" issue. It is one thing if the unit is underwater, but another if that pod if above water exposed to sunlight at 95F, as is the case when wading or on the dry beach. Hot components tend to be short life components, especially if costs are being held down in sourcing the parts.

Don't know, just typical half assed speculation on my part. :smile: I still would like an Impulse made proper, as for me at least it was a sweet running machine with very descriptive audio. I never expected the moon as far as discrimination, so had zero complaints as far as how the machine actually performed for me.

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