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Question That Signal

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A couple of days ago I went to my buddy's house to go detecting. Before we wandered off I asked him if I could try my ctx and small coil on some gold coins. As I asked this question I remembered a previous post where coin drops and old purses were mentioned. Now his family never threw anything usable awy so I asked if he still had one of those little snap purses. The kind that men and women of older generations carried. Yes, indeed he had one, and three one oz gold coins, a 1/4 oz and a mexican dos peso. Also several silver quarters and 50 cent pieces. 

So first I laid the gold out in a line. Nice signal from 12/9 for the dollar size,12/12 or so for the 5 dollar size and 12/45 for the american oz and the mexican oz...the Kuggerand read 0/45 and went way up to the right hand corner. The silver read as you would expect. The real surprise came when I put the purse down and spread the silver and gold coin over it...no audio signal in discriminate and very odd signal in all metal...the reading was 12/30 as i recall. I was amazed...and wonder how many lost coin purses filled with gold and silver I may never have heard....

Not many I am sure but only one would be a real heart-breaker...at least it would be if I knew...


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   Not to worry Fred. youv'e probably only missed a couple of dozen lost coin purses and among those coins probably only a few were priceless and too many gold coins can make a man become arrogant and could create a tax problem. Always look on the bright side.
 I probably pass up old baking soda cans full of coins all the time.

 Sure would like to hear SHs take on this.

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I believe it was Monte who came up with a test similar to this. I, too, was surprised at the results. If I remember right, there are many detectors that give a crazy response to a numerous mixed coin bag. A response that most of us would walk over! I think the Fores CoRe did a pretty good job and maybe a couple of others.

I believe he said that he takes a few silver coins, etc. and makes a "coin purse" and tests his relic machines in this manner. It was a real eye opener!! 


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yeah, reading about that experiment is thought provoking...seeing it live is dumbfounding...I will repeat that test with the stock ctx3030 coil and the 6 inch...I really thought 3 and 1/2 oz of gold and several silver coins  mixed in with an actual snap purse would have given a solid signal. I still don't believe it did not ,so that is why I must do it again...to be continued

Next time I will photo the coins/purse 


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 Don`t start questioning signals til about 11am, then  question why I`m digging junk and not having a cold drink in the shade. Well there abouts. Repeat performance in arvo til about 4. But haven`t found a cache, guess they aren`t there til after 11 or 4. Be interesting to try that purse with a Deus and reactivity cranked up for comparison.

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I once found a coin spill of Lincoln cents in a school playground under gravel by the swingsets.It sounded exactly like a pipe, a long narrow signal. I dug it anyway cause of the loose gravel just was curious.It was mostly wheat cents. If it had been hard ground, would probably have left it. It musta been a broken coin roll. Sometimes kids bring stuff to school for show and tell ya know...

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  • 2 weeks later...

So here are some pics of the purse, silver and gold coins and the responses with the ctx3030 and small coil. I did not repeat with the stock coil because I get bored with tests...I am a learn through use and mistakes kind of guy.

purse with silver= no sound but 13.43 readout

purse with silver and gold=odd signal with 12.41

purse on top and coins under 12.39 odd signal

purse alone 12.35

this was in ground-coin...

the smallest gold coin read  and sounded like foil. All coins were flat on the ground, I would expect some serious changes if they were on edge...

The main lesson to me is if you don't dig it you don't know for sure.

Please don't get all technical on me...I just sharing some non-scientific results.


ctx and coins 002.JPG

ctx and coins 003.JPG

ctx and coins 004.JPG

ctx and coins 005.JPG

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