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New Goldhounds Video

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12 hours ago, AuWanderer said:

Great video....I like the helmet camera, can you elaborate on the conglomerate rock you refereed where the gold was found. I did not notice any early workings in the area you found the gold. Is it because the prospectors worked the lower flat ground and never ventured to find the source of the gold up higher? 

Hi AuWanderer

There are no workings near by at all as this area is unexplored and in the middle of nowhere.

Some up here may think they know where we are but i can tell you they will be way off as it is nowhere near where they will assume it is.

The conglomerates are non-marine and are on a specific basement geology that i will not elaborate on as it always has gold and it took us a lot of work to figure out or tricks and techniques so we keep them to ourselves.


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3 hours ago, californiagold said:

Hey Dale . What brand of pick are you swinging in your video? I need a big swinger for my pi detecting and  .  I was going to buy a supersede. but Iike that one better. thanks. once again great movie and hope to see more of your mountain goat videos.

Sorry caligold you can't buy them as I make them myself.

All of the ones you can buy only last a month or if I'm really lucky 2 months as I wear down the pick end very quickly on the bought ones.

I make mine 450 long so I get to sharpen it multiple times before its to short.

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