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Any News On Fisher Waterproof AQ

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The public beta testing didn't help with that, yes there was some positive exposure, but a huge amount of negative exposure.  Ironing out the problems before selling them is clearly the better path, especially when these beta testers had to pay to do the testing and were in many ways scammed, they're not going to mind showing all the warts online and going into detail about how they feel ripped off.  Normally the testing phase is kept internally so we don't hear about all the screw ups.

I wouldn't think they shouldn't sell beta versions of the gold and wait until its ready before trying to sell it and release it like a normal detector they'd release and just cross their fingers the damage the AQ has done to public opinion doesn't affect the Gold also.  If they want testers provide them with test units like a normal company would.

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I understand that after the negative opinions that there have been on the limited, people do not want to take the risk of buying one. that's why I thought that fisher will seriously correct and release the unlimited version for everyone and in europe! we now understand that there will not be this version and that we will not see any AQ impulse in europe except that of LeJag

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2 hours ago, vive equinox said:

sí, entiendo que después de las opiniones negativas que ha habido sobre el limitado, la gente no quiera correr el riesgo de comprar uno. ¡Es por eso que pensé que Fisher corregiría seriamente y lanzaría la versión ilimitada para todos y en Europa! ahora entendemos que no habrá esta versión y que no veremos ningún impulso de AQ en europa excepto el de LeJag

In Spain I saw a few days ago one for sale second hand.  


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14 hours ago, Luis said:

Interesante, yo no sabía que alguien de españa tiene uno, aunque vive en la isla..

Pero es el limitado no ? 2400€ es mucho mas caro que el precio de venta, y sin garantia ni nada, mucho riesgo de comprar lo, has tomado contacto con el vendedor Luis ? 

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21 hours ago, vive equinox said:



3 hours ago, vive equinox said:

Interesante, yo no sabía que alguien de españa tiene uno, aunque vive en la isla..

Pero es el limitado no ? 2400€ es mucho mas caro que el precio de venta, y sin garantia ni nada, mucho riesgo de comprar lo, has tomado contacto con el vendedor Luis ? 

The truth surprised me when I saw it.  I have not contacted him.  At another time I would have jumped into the pool for him.  But he's got too many flaws to risk it

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On 7/9/2022 at 10:13 AM, Steve Herschbach said:

If they could only sell 60 out of the projected run of 100 Limiteds, then why continue on? Toms is cutting his losses.

I agree..... 40 x 1500.oo = 60 grand. I would hope they would discount them in order to move on, or is it ......... the end of the road.

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I just can’t see Fisher launching any other pulse units…….I feel it’s the end of the road for that line of detectors ?

Would I like to see myself wrong…….most definitely. 

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19 hours ago, Joe Beechnut OBN said:

I agree..... 40 x 1500.oo = 60 grand. I would hope they would discount them in order to move on, or is it ......... the end of the road.

I think $1500.00 is a discounted price if I remember correctly. I myself have 2 machines that work as they should with no issues. Will they hold up ? We shall see. 

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I like the circuit too it's smooth and has great target info.  I now have two units but as I had warned and warned again the Vishay pots are a real weakness and I've  had one defective Sens and three T/H's go bad.  These pots were the bain of some of Eric's machines and needed almost annual changing out.  That said though, the AQ does have great optimization (22k notwithstanding) and enough fidelity to make it versatile enough for a wide range of conditons.  FT has been good on the service though and Felix has given great customer service to keep me in the game.  For fast salt I don't see anything amongst the VLF offerings that even come close.  Hate to say it but all high performance pulse machines for the water have flaws.   Having owned maybe 8 seeping, pot and coil dropping Dual Fields, 2 GQA2's, a proto CS6pi, 3 Cudas and a homemade W/P TDI Pro--you get used to it.  


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9 minutes ago, Carolina said:



Look closely at these machines.



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