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Detectors That Have Earned A Permanent Place In My Collection

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I have the GR on my list, But I like the idea of the Impact and the Relic impress me a lot, and seeing as the coils for my current machines are vanishing I think it's a good time to man the lifeboats and cover my self, There has been so much talk about these new machines and I don't know which one it is but I want the one that can match/replace my MXT A/P,

As for a PI the ATX has always been a favourite of mind ever since Garrett sent me the Info on the Recon a couple of years before the ATX was born, So I see one of them in my future, I also am leaning towards a 4500, will I need all the other bits the 5k has I don't know, Is it worth the extra $2000 to me ? I doubt that because I am not in Big Gold country and after I sold my 3500 I never kept up with the times when it came to the GPX series so I am making excuses as to avoid them at the moment,

Other thought should I keep the machines I have and track down the coils even though their future is starting to look unsafe ? Great Machines but I do feel let down because of the above.


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I had a long hard think about the prospect of having to only keep 2 units, and I think I've come up with:

GPX5000 and Racer 2

The 5000 with a range of coils pretty much does everything. I need the ability to go near powerlines, and I need a PI for wet sand, and the GPZ can't do it. The GPZ without a small coil is also an achillies heal

The Racer 2 would pretty much cover all my other bases: general coin hunting, looking for gold and relics in trashy mining camps, tot lots, parks, dry sand beaches etc

If the selection was 3 units, then it may be a little different. Possibly GPZ, CTX and Gold Racer - but my mind is too stressed out after trying to get it down to 2 - thanks a lot Steve :biggrin:

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I like your thinking Nenad and GPX plus Racer 2 is good indeed. I could go GPX instead of GPZ easily but I need to be able to hunt surf and so the CTX would have to stay. Needing a waterproof machine really boxes in the options.

It is a good exercise that makes a person consider just what their real detecting needs are. Three detectors is much easier to work with, and GPZ, CTX, and Gold Racer would work very well for me. Going to two starts cutting real muscle. Having only one detector would really hurt.

I am hopeful however a small coil will appear some day for the GPZ helping to solve part of the equation. Add disc and then things get even better - the need for a VLF starts to go away.

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I have seen how small of gold the GPZ will get  with the 14" coil at a decent depth and I'm very impressed.  Your right, a small coil for the GPZ, and it would be like having a VLF and PI in one machine.

I currently have a 5000, GMT and a DI 6000 pro and this line up works for me, dated, but works.  I have only used the 6000 at Rye Patch for the nugget/coin hunt since my parents purchased it in the 90's, but would like to start using it more for coins and relics.

There is so many great machines out there, and they all have their own unique specialties, which like you said Steve, one needs to determine what their actual detecting needs are.  Otherwise, the closet/safe will be full :)

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Steve I read your list and like you, I try to use what I think works best for me, which currently is the Racer 2. But I am curious, do you ever keep a machine just for sentimental reason or wish you would have ?  I thinned down my heard, got rid of most everything and now use a Racer 2 and a Nokta Fors Core. The only two machines I kept was my MXT and M6.....They did find me a lot of stuff over the last years and couldn't bring myself to toss then aside and throw'm on ebay. Once in a while I like to take them out and have fun and hear that good ol' Whites single tone.

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:laugh: me too Steve. In the last few years or so I've owned a couple of coin/relic detectors, Whites GMT, SD2200D, GPX5000, SDC2300, GP3500 & now have none of those & only the GPZ.

Choosing 2 detectors only would be pretty easy for me as coin/relic/beach detecting never really stuck for me - much prefer to spend any free time on the goldfields & being close by makes it easier too. At the moment I'd choose the GPZ (still learning it) & maybe a Makro Gold Racer or Nokta Fors Gold+? To be honest though I have in the past owned 2-3 detectors at once but usually whittle them down to the one I'm using the most. I find that at times I can struggle to find time to use one let alone 2 or 3. A good discriminating detector that did have some versatility would be good though.

To me this hobby is as much about using & learning different machines as it is about finding gold or whatever else your hunting. I seem to upgrade or add to the collection as soon as I can afford to & with my gold detectors they have all been used machines (the newer ones have still been under warranty). If I had to I could go back to any of my previous gold machines & still do ok - some better than others :biggrin: - but I'd always be thinking about the latest & greatest, different settings, different set ups etc. etc.

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On 4/5/2016 at 0:35 AM, auminesweeper said:

I have the GR on my list, But I like the idea of the Impact and the Relic impress me a lot, and seeing as the coils for my current machines are vanishing I think it's a good time to man the lifeboats and cover my self, There has been so much talk about these new machines and I don't know which one it is but I want the one that can match/replace my MXT A/P,

As for a PI the ATX has always been a favourite of mind ever since Garrett sent me the Info on the Recon a couple of years before the ATX was born, So I see one of them in my future, I also am leaning towards a 4500, will I need all the other bits the 5k has I don't know, Is it worth the extra $2000 to me ? I doubt that because I am not in Big Gold country and after I sold my 3500 I never kept up with the times when it came to the GPX series so I am making excuses as to avoid them at the moment,

Other thought should I keep the machines I have and track down the coils even though their future is starting to look unsafe ? Great Machines but I do feel let down because of the above.



I don't know if the extra money is worth it or not for the 5000 over the 4500 but I got my 1 year old 5000 used from a reliable dealer for only 2700 cash with 2 coils.  So you may be closer to getting a 5000 than you think if you look around.  Though the ATX for you might be better in some ways as they are water proof and handy but I think most agree the 5000 is probably better overall and upteen coils available for it.  

For me, I feel like I'm on the right track in seriously looking at the Racer 2 considering all the respect I see coming from folks much more experienced at this than myself.   The Racer 2 also is not terribly expensive compared to some.  But the impact also has my interest and I wouldn't mind also seeing how the MX sport shakes out in the end.  


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