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Great Day, Found Rare Haitian Phoenix Button!

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  • The title was changed to Great Day, Found Rare Haitian Phoenix Button!

That is some nice old activity. There is bound to be more!

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1 hour ago, Doc Bach said:

That is a killer button D.S. and tough to find.It took me 50 years to dig one.Mine is the #28 type one style two large variant my unsolicited advice would be to pound that site congrats. 

Yeah, it has a crazy mysterious history and finding one on the east coast seems even more bizarre. And on my permission it is even crazier. I have not found one single old coin here. One Wheatie. So I know it has been hunted or at least coin shooters had their day. Either way, a real fathers day treat I will treasure.

Here is a better pic. Im afraid to clean it. 


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Great finds and great hunting on your part.

I wonder how to clean up that button so that it can be preserved.

Good luck on your next outing.

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Great find. Somewhat rare but not unheard of. Many have been found in NH and all over the US. I don't don't recall ever finding one myself but I know people who have.


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3 hours ago, Tom_in_CA said:

Nice job.   Those buttons are a "goal unto themselves" here in the extreme-hunter circles of CA.  We love them. 


Here's an article I wrote on the subject.   You can find your particular button here.



thanx for sharing ! 

Thank you very much for that document, I had alread found and read it. I appreciate the work it took to compile that data. 


How it got to NH in my hole will remain a mystery. A fun one. 

Definitely my coolest find since starting detecting. And although I wouldn't sell it, my most valuable find. 


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1 hour ago, Dirtshark said:

Definitely my coolest find since starting detecting. And although I wouldn't sell it, my most valuable find. 


Then I'm glad it's in the hands of persons who likewise appreciates the history . 


BTW, while these have been found east of the Mississippi, in various east coast states, yet for some reason NH seems to get the  highest # of incidents.   That adds to the intrigue of their travel path history of distribution.  Ie.:  Is there some particular reason for more there, than a few other east coast states that come to mind ?   Interesting.

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I did read one article, like a research journel and there was one guy who suggested that they might have been manufactured at least partially in Connecticut.  But the prevailing school of thought is they spread widely as indian trade tokens. Many having been found in Indian burial sites. I imagine because they got them cheap and they looked cool. I mean, a Phoenix is pretty cool. Lol

I love a bit of history mystery. 

Oh, I just remembered the home owner told me that one of the prior owners was a civil war Gettysburg vet who was a horder of sorts. Could be it was collected by this guy who liked to hang onto junk. Just a thought. Intriguing.....


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