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New Minelab Manticore


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9 hours ago, steveg said:

As for the discrimination, I haven't seen any videos of the details of how the disc. screen will work, but it's not clear in my mind.

Did you watch this video linked by phrunt last week?  IMO that has the most complete explanation of Manticore settings.  Since I (like you) only listen to the full TID spectrum on the ML Equinox (custom 5 tone mode in my case) I don't pay much attention when Lawrie and others describe how to set up discrimination on the Manticore.  I also don't speak FBS.  ?  But maybe that video will give you a better idea of how the Manticore works (or not).

I've yet to see a clear explantion of where ferrous is on the discrimination scale.  There's the Dankowski claim that the detector reads TID's in the range -99 to +99 (or at least I think that's what others have reported him saying) and there is a red underline of dTID for some targets in videos (including the above one) which indicates a ferrous target, but I still don't know if that means you should mentally put a negative sign in front of the two digit TID.

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GB -- thanks for the video link, I'll check it out.

Yes, NASA-Tom DID say that the ferrous runs down to -99.  BUT -- no idea how that is displayed.  Yes, there is a red underline, that seems to be "ferrous," so if you had a 44 underlined in red, I ASSUME that means -44.  BUT -- this could have been SO much easier if they would simply have gone with the two-digit, FE-CO numbering system.  

I have gotten the impression in the past, speaking to NASA-Tom about how much I would have liked to have seen an "FBS-like" FE-CO readout on the EQX, that he's not real hot on the idea, and didn't see what the big deal was.  Maybe I misread him, but that's the impression I got.  SO -- I wonder if MINELAB wasn't all that interested in going FE-CO either, but perhaps that so many of us SCREAMED for it, that they sort of "met us halfway in the middle."  After all, it seems pretty obvious that they are CALCULATING FE-CO, algorithmically, but for some reason it seems we will only be able to DISPLAY it via the 2-D screen (but not directly, i.e. digitally, in the VDI numerical readout).  Who knows...


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  • 2 weeks later...
I always thought the Equinox single frequency options ( 5/10/15/20/40k) were sub-optimal, so it's disappointing to see the same selection used on Mandingo.
The frequencies should ideally be a fixed ratio apart, and evenly spread over the full range.
So more correct values would be:
5 kHz / 8 kHz / 14 kHz / 24 kHz / 40 kHz
5k / 9k / 15k / 25k / 40k if you want 'rounder' numbers.
The relevant difference is the big gap from 20k to 40k is filled, and the too-small step from 15k to 20k is expanded. This may make the machine have a better nugget-shooting freq selection. Other differences are subtle; the choice of 8 kHz matches that of many high-medium conductor detectors, like the Tek Greek-series.
As Eqx/Mandingo can generate absolutely any freq in the range, there's always the option of more choices, in which case:
5k / 8k / 12k / 18k / 27k / 40k
would be good. Plus, being a premium product, Mandingo ought to have more choices than the Equinox.
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5 hours ago, Sumrtym said:

NASA-Tom confirmed the Minelab wireless headphones are the only wireless option.  No wireless module or bluetooth compatibility.  Wired of course is an option.  Claims this is lower latency, clearer, and better for EMI.

I can't understand that, the testing they submitted to the FCC is using Bluetooth LE.


Go to test report and have a snoop around.

Page 5 of 32 Report No. M2112039-7
This document shall not be reproduced except in full.
Device: Manticore Metal Detector
Model: Manticore
Manuf acturer: Minelab Electronics Pty Ltd
Radio: Bluetooth Low Energy (Nordic nRF5340)

I do believe Nasa Tom is confused, or what he said is being confused.

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5 hours ago, Sumrtym said:

NASA-Tom confirmed the Minelab wireless headphones are the only wireless option.  No wireless module or bluetooth compatibility.

That's in conflict with what was posted today at about the same time as yours; specifically in question is your (general) statement of Bluetooth incompatibility:


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I hope there will be some other option than the ML headphones.  Otherwise I'll have to rely on the speaker next summer since it is way too hot to wear full headphones in the summer here.

I sent Minelab a suggest to make a belt clip wireless device that we could plug our own low latency headphones into.  I suspect that suggestion will probably go nowhere.

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 Im getting a headphone head ache!

I find it mentally exhausting to improve a audio product, that is not even released yet.

I have a feeling that the Minelab audio techs know what they are doing, and they will be great!

I plan on hunting gold and silver, not listening to Beethoven!


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18 hours ago, PSPR said:

I hope there will be some other option than the ML headphones.  Otherwise I'll have to rely on the speaker next summer since it is way too hot to wear full headphones in the summer here.

I sent Minelab a suggest to make a belt clip wireless device that we could plug our own low latency headphones into.  I suspect that suggestion will probably go nowhere.

They don't need to make some clip on device, Bluetooth LE will be everywhere soon, there are lots of LE products hitting the market already.

These LE ear buds look nice


If they made device to plug your headphones into they wouldn't need to be low latency headphones as you're plugging them in, they could be anything, the little gadget they supply would be the one with the Bluetooth LE, but there is simply no need for this as Bluetooth LE will be everywhere soon, in all sorts of headphones, ear buds and speakers

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