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New Minelab Manticore


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8 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:


People may have noticed I have largely stayed out of this. I'm well over all the hype, and totally agree with Jason. We are literally announcing announcements now. :mellow:

People are self hyping themselves to death over this, with various interests more than happy to fan the flames. It's totally new? No, it's the next logical iteration I would expect as a followup to the Equinox. Totally new or iteration is just how you look at things. If it has just one thing different some people want it to be totally new, nothing ever made like it ever before. That's what feeds the hype machine - oh my gosh, it's super duper really new magical technology!!!!! One generation ,no, two generational leap to the moon technology!!!!!!!! But anyone who has an Equinox and gets a Manticore will find out real fast it's just the next step. Take an Equinox, listen to the feedback for four years, fix the issues, improve what you can, all with an eye to filling the now vacant $1500 E-TRAC price slot = Manticore. The Equinox took everything to the next level, and squeezing anymore performance out with newer models is at the point of diminishing returns. It may not be what people want to hear, but mark my words and remember them later when the dust settles.... this is Equinox Mark 2. I'm not saying that to belittle it. Just the opposite. The Equinox took us all to a new level, and Manticore takes everything Minelab learned from that, and makes it better across the board. About the only thing I'm unsure about is how water hunters will like that new coil with the added superstructure - not going to cut water like the Nox 11". But other than that, this is the perfect machine for somebody that loves the Nox, but wants more.

Be nice if they took some of the improvements made with Manticore, and used them to refresh the Equinox with an update also. :wink:

I really like and enjoy working with the engineers at Minelab, but their marketing people seem to keep getting farther and farther from what I want to see as a down to earth detectorist. Everything about the Manticore release puts me off, with the exception of them letting Mark loose to blab away. That part is fun and informative, as the engineers are usually kept under lock and key. But all this other stuff, even the name.... not turning me on at all. I do miss Bill Stirling and the days when marketing was driven by tech papers and actual detecting experts. Now it's all Chicago style flash, no substance. Except for Mark. I can only appreciate how hard it is for a nerdy engineer type to stand in front of crowds like he has been doing - good on him. :smile:

Anyway, people are desperate for information, and love to discuss, and that's good, as that's what a forum runs on. I do want to thank people here for having sane and rational discussions. It means I can be off doing other things and not worry some sort of fight will brew up. That is something else to be thankful for today. Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm waiting for the reviews. Too much market build-up will set-up a letdown. I noticed if someone comments on the Manticore, the flood gates open to many speculations. I just bought an 8lb. jug of Orville Redenbacher's and awaiting the next go-around. Never a dull moment on DP! Gotta' love it.

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The Nox is that good I can justify paying double the price (which the Manticore is here) for an improved more reliable version of it.  The big jump was always going to be the Nox, and the Manticore just being further refined.  I really like Target Trace on my CTX so a bonus having a similar thing on the new Nox.

They have shown a lot of confidence in Multi-IQ making a new model using it already when the FBS2 CTX is far older and the one you would think would be due for replacement especially being the top of the line.

While I don't expect miracles out of the Manticore I'll be satisfied with just a better quality Nox with a few extra bells and whistles and perhaps if I'm lucky a bit of a performance boost.  My initial disappointment is the lack of the little 6" coil though so I doubt I can retire my Nox.

This morning Minelab sent me a spam email with the same good things come in twos obscure marketing.

Where it says "its better the second time around" that really makes me think of the Nox ver2.

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That is a trap. Marketing trap. You need to buy and you are only prisoner of that. What they show… new headphones or swing harness? 

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1 hour ago, phrunt said:

The Nox is that good I can justify paying double the price (which the Manticore is here) for an improved more reliable version of it.  The big jump was always going to be the Nox, and the Manticore just being further refined.  I really like Target Trace on my CTX so a bonus having a similar thing on the new Nox.

They have shown a lot of confidence in Multi-IQ making a new model using it already when the FBS2 CTX is far older and the one you would think would be due for replacement especially being the top of the line.

While I don't expect miracles out of the Manticore I'll be satisfied with just a better quality Nox with a few extra bells and whistles and perhaps if I'm lucky a bit of a performance boost.  My initial disappointment is the lack of the little 6" coil though so I doubt I can retire my Nox.

This morning Minelab sent me a spam email with the same good things come in twos obscure marketing.

Where it says "its better the second time around" that really makes me think of the Nox ver2.

Somebody said they see Z's throughout the video.  The 2's, the sideways logo, etc.  I'll give them that.  If it isn't the Manticore release on 12/1 it will be coming soon regardless but I'm not going to jump through any more hoops for the Minelab psych marketing team.  Unless I just did.  :wacko:

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If it is a new improved lighter GPZ there will be a lot of disappointed 6000 owners.

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3 minutes ago, phrunt said:

If it is a new improved lighter GPZ there will be a lot of disappointed 6000 owners.

Maybe, but will it find small gold better than the 6000? Seems like Minelab keeps there machines separate enough for people to not sell them ? Maybe it will be designed for something the 6000 is not.

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3 minutes ago, phrunt said:

If it is a new improved lighter GPZ there will be a lot of disappointed 6000 owners.

Not me! If it is the next GPZ, I’ll be having my own Xmas promo/bundle fire-sale to help fund its purchase, especially if it comes stock with a concentric coil this time. ? 

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