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Finally Minelab Take Responsibility For Screwing Up The GPX 6000 Speaker


The GPX Audio Fix Poll  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you had the audio/EMI fix done to your GPX 6000 - if you plan to get it done please don't answer the poll until you've got it back and tested it

  2. 2. Did the fix improve your built in speaker EMI stability

    • Yes
    • No
    • Not sure, possibly
    • Not sure, I don't think so
    • Don't care, not getting it done
  3. 3. Did the fix improve overall stability or improve the detector in some other way?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Not sure, possibly
    • Not sure, I don't think so
    • Don't care, not getting it done

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The 6000 is a great detector, one of the best ever made. I more than anyone do not forgive Minelab for the lack of quality control on this release. But sitting on detectors with problems, instead of getting them back to Minelab or the dealer for service or replacement, immediately, is not a great solution either.

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Yea, I rode out my problems far too long and just stewed on them making me even more annoyed partly because my problems were normalized with most reporting similar problems, when does a problem become normal and not a problem?  Not this time, EMI issue hopefully gets resolved before they even release the notice in NZ.  If that's fixed and I can find a good shaft and get myself the little NF coil (eventually seeing it's the most delayed of the lot) then I'll be in for a treat a I think, the 6000 should serve me well then, I may find I like it a lot more than I think I will.

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1 hour ago, WesD said:

Yep, just crickets from dealers.  I would assume temporarily muzzled until the fix is officially out?

The first thing a dealer would do after seeing this product notice would be to contact Minelab and finding out what's going on, so they've obviously been told to keep it on the down low until Minelab is ready to deal with it.  That's the only thing that explains the silence.

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7 hours ago, strick said:

Very interesting thred. Does a dealer care to comment? I’ve not seen one yet and this thred is over 2 weeks old. Surely they might have some intel on this? 


I doubt if all (or any?) dealers in the US were informed by Minelab prior to this thread coming out. It wasn't even clear the US repair center knew about this until after this thread was posted. This stuff is one part of the reason this thread exists because though some of us knew there was a fix, it wasn't clear after a year of talking about the problem if it was even available to us.

If Minelab corporate won't do the right thing after being shown extraordinary amounts of patience, customers will do it for them. And every time this post gets bumped up they get a prescient reminder of just that.

I would expect many dealers were kept in the dark just like us though.

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3 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

But sitting on detectors with problems, instead of getting them back to Minelab or the dealer for service or replacement, immediately, is not a great solution either.

I happened to be in Bendigo on the weekend and dropped around to Miners Den as they are now an authorised service agent for Minelab.  

Left the box with the young fella there who said he would change out the speaker related component Monday (today) and send it back.  Saves me sending it all the way to a Adelaide.  Hopefully get it back this week so will be able to see what difference it makes.  

He did ask where I had found out about it - of course I said DP forum ?

He said he has done a few over the last month or so. 

We discussed the cracked coil ears and I have decided I am going to keep the coil I have until it has about 6 month’s warranty left and swap it out then. Or earlier if they break.  It is a good coil with no other issues and I am wary of swapping it out for a dud - especially prior to W.A. next year. 

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5 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

That was my point, and why I mentioned it.

I know because I had the Fisher coil but for those who have not seen the other 'system' for coil attachment they don't know how stress free it is on the coil ears.  The Fisher system does not require that you pinch the coil ears together to keep the coil from moving.  The Minelab design for many years has relied upon a pinch to work and when you pinch the ears tightly at the bottom with a big-headed bolt, this causes the ears to break away from the coil itself when just adding a little more tightness/torque over the weeks and months of use.

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Yay Minelab got back to me quickly.  My detector is an affected serial number, I bought it in May of 2022,  Off it goes again on the courier to the service agent. 

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