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Gold Seeker Adventures

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Hey everyone, just a shout out to y'all that my YouTube channel is taking shape. Got a video up today on Gold Basin and I am uploading another this very moment. Check them out and leave a comment. I have a few things to work on and improve. Words to stop saying, nervousness to overcome, looking at camera more often, yada yada yada check it out and please like and subscribe. 

YouTube Channel: Gold Seeker Adventures 

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Goldseeker - Enjoyed your videos and appreciate all the work you put into them.  My thoughts- I traded my black trowel for one of SE's green Prospector's Scoops.  Nuggets settle in the bottom quicker and are easier to see and show up better on video.

Here in Eastern Oregon we have lots of range fires and so cigarettes are frown on while out in the grass and brush.  Not a good look on video either.

Keep up the good work. I'll look for more

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Hey Reese,

   Great channel, always fun to see others finding gold in different areas.  I probably have about 10 channels I subscribe to so I can see all the new videos when they post them.  I have my channel still, but I haven't posted any new videos in months.  I probably have 20 hours of footage that has not been posted yet.  I believe I have 106 videos loaded on my page.  


Hope to see some more of yours very soon.  Wishing you many more GPX 6000 nuggets! :minelab:

P.S.  If anyone don't have Reese's new book, I highly recommend it.  Great read, awesome pictures also.


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Here's my advice. Don't take this personal, just trying to help. 

Unplug your headphones over a signal, so we can hear it.

When you get the chance, maybe consider one of those chest mount go pros, so we can get a better look, and hear you better.

Edit videos down a little more.


I subscribed.


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On 11/2/2022 at 11:27 AM, brogansown said:

Goldseeker - 

Here in Eastern Oregon we have lots of range fires and so cigarettes are frown on while out in the grass and brush.  Not a good look on video either.


pffffffft....  Can't smoke in bars, restaraunts, city parks, county parks, hospital grounds, jail, and on and on.  Now add out in the brush.  Always a whiner that doesn't like someone smoking.  Smoke away Reese, out in the brush is the last place we got...just be careful AS WE ALWAYS ARE......

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im not sure what you are using to record video, it looks good.
if you are interested in a free gopro hero8 let me know.
i found it a few months ago on a detecting trip. i cant find the owner and have no use for it.

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Bishop, I may be interested. I just purchased a GoPro Hero 11 Black. Don't have any of that camera footage up yet but soon. Very soon. 

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To all, This is a learning process for me and I have had some setbacks and hurdles to jump over. I will have more! I wouldn't be me if I didn't have some kind of hurdles to conquer. That's the story of my life. Literally. I am aware of many things I can and will improve on with the videos. I am a perfectionist and I always strive for the best work I can put out. Remember how long it took to get my book to completion. This is a little different in the fact I can make changes along the way. The book I couldn't. But it turned out damn good. Thats the way I roll. I am not a person that will bend to advise if it means I have to change who I am. I am a smoker and thats fine. I choke up with nerves being in front of the camera. That will pass and then I will just keep striving for higher and higher heights. I do not care for scoops that have a gravity trap in the bottom. There are words I have to stop saying in my videos. That too will come to pass. I had an issue with one video having the wrong video but correct thumbnail. Just re-uploaded it this evening. Hopefully I got it right this time. I will see in the morning. It is my third attempt. Got alot of footage to get up. I will have some videos with Aquachigger as he is a friend of mine. He came down to Meadview to hang out with me and detect and shoot some joint videos. Oh and if any of you don't like something I am doing in my videos, that is fine. Just don't be a Karen. We all have had enough of those these last 6 years. To all who are subscribed to my channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your following my channel will propel me to strive for perfection. Thank you. 

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