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Revolutionary Detectors Over Time?

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swung Tesoro for 22yrs then bought an Etrac and trash/treasure ratio did a complete 180......

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White's Coinmaster V Supreme with G.E.B. (Ground Exclusion Balance) was the first detector for me that would ground balance hot rocks that previously read like coins. This changed everything for an amusement park we were the first to hunt circa 1969. The next detector is the Minelab GPX 5000. It allowed me to coin hunt and relic hunt like never before. I know gold guys had previous versions, so it may not be revolutionary for them, but that was the first GPX I had tried. An honorable mention (kinda revolutionary) was Minelab's E Trac for deep silver in parks. There are other great models, but not revolutionary in my experience.

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On 12/1/2022 at 3:07 AM, Steve Herschbach said:

in gold nugget land…

Out of interest Steve, how many of these were you involved with re: testing/development?   

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On 12/1/2022 at 12:36 PM, Steve Herschbach said:

In any way that mattered, the GPZ 7000, Equinox 800, and GPX 6000. I did final test drive/bug check kind of stuff with the MXT, F75, GPX 5000 etc but they were basically done by the time I got my hands on them. Here are the machines that I've been involved in where I had input more than the normal "test to promote" regime:

Garrett Infinium, White's TDI, Garrett ATX, Nokta FORS Gold, Makro Racer, Makro Gold Racer, Makro Gold Kruzer, plus Minelab SDC 2300, GPZ 7000, Gold Monster 1000, Equinox, Vanquish, GPX 6000, Manticore, and Garrett Axiom.


Thank you for your time, knowledge, experience, and thoughtfulness for being involved for us who are less experienced in making a better detector for us.

I am sure that many more people feel the same as I do, and yes I am new at this hobby but enjoy each and every day that I can swing my grandfathers detector. I just wished that I had more time to develop my skills with my detectors.

Once again thank you very much for your time that you put into this hobby and forum.

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Of the detectors I've owned, whites MXT, whites TDI Oz pro, Gpx4500, QED, gpx6000, and Gpz 7000, it's the Gpz 7000 all the way for me.

I'm pretty new to this to, I started around 2014. I only detect for gold, and the Z has been a complete game changer.  I really liked the Whites TDI Oz pro as well, although to be honest, I didn't find much with it, but the ergonomics still have not been bettered imo. The Gpx 6000 is close. 

I never owned an SDC, but I advised a friend who was just getting started to get one, and it was amazing for him.

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