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Lack Of Targets, Switched To The Biggen (coil)


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Coup!e days after a big blow, the Gulf tamed down and looks like a table.    Air in the low 60's, not a cloud showing.  Burfic conditions.     Four of us wading today , 2 hunting the Nox 600, a guy with a AT Pro, I'm using my Tar.    Man nobody hearing much even caps & tabs scarce.   Most places we can wade out 20, 30 yards just waist deep.   Trouble is further out the deader it becomes.     Only areas I could come up with anything was in the soft trash area near shore.   So I just worked along there about a ways and back.     Other guys jumping in and out of promising areas and the ATPro just stayed working a big area over.    We all called it quits at different times.  I ended up high Dawg for the day, 3 coins for 36 cent.    Next guy 12cents.     It gets worse another of those big selling machines flooded out.   That makes 7 of these I know of in last couple of seasons.   And nobody knows anything about the Tarsacci.    Deep trustworthy.    Everyone knows about the leaky Lees but they keep selling them.   Make any sense?     The targets I did dig in the soft sand took 3 deep scoops to corner.  A couple I gave up on, very deep and very trashy.   I believe most of my targets were because of the Big coil.

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1 hour ago, Dancer said:

I believe most of my targets were because of the Big coil.

Something to be said for that big coil. I feel it changes something that is more than just depth and coverage. I swear it hunts better in heavy trash. I have no idea why I think that, but that coil stays on mine all the time. I would love a small coil for it too, but the 12” round feels superior to the stock coil to my ear.

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The coil was said to be the foundation of the MDT's capabilities. The 12" does seem to take it to a higher level of performance.

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5 minutes ago, JCR said:

The coil was said to be the foundation of the MDT's capabilities. The 12" does seem to take it to a higher level of performance.

It does indeed. It finds coins on edge much better for one, even rings parachuting on edge, and seems to offer a slight advantage in stability. Less sensitivity is required to get the performance I want and I can get away with wider variation in the other settings without apparent penalty in performance.

The accuracy of TID is not better, but I get more repeatable slightly cleaner signals on good targets in trash. Likely because I change the settings so much from place to place, and that changes TID, and the fact that a lot of what I find has been in the ground a long time which also changes the TID either because of what the ground does to the coin or because the ground that creates the staining changes the TID.

Modern clad coins are about as close to a standard as it gets in the wild, so if TID varies, then it has to be the ground in some way. Nothing handles ground like the MDT if you can get used to the noise it makes. If the settings are getting the performance I want, I just listen for the quality of the tone in mixed mode which gives an indication of what the neighborhood of the target is.

That mixed mode is pure genius for me. It seems at first to be just a lot more noise, but really there is so much more information in it. I am not smart enough to explain what that means in words, it just describes the target better. 

Plus I like the sound of it better for no good reason at all.

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I prefer Mixed mode as well.

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