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Depth Issues After Software Updates

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   Sorry to hear both your health, and software issues! Hope you feel better!!??

   Hopefully Nokta can verify your strange appearing software! They would know!! Sounds very suspicious to me, sorta like the messages we get on our phones that are obviously spam and scams! Plenty of hackers that have the skills to do stuff like that!

   Glad to hear the Legend(s) are doing well otherwise, and if you have posted about how it compares to the two "top dogs" right now, other than cost, I missed it, and would be interested in reading! I had pre-ordered one, before release, but reeled myself in at the last minute, when there was a delay!!???

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I notice depth reduction on the Manticore when I enter a high EMI area. You have to get out of multi frequency or you will get so much chatter (target ID included, that you can easily miss targets. I think most depth loss is due to not picking the best settings for the situation. Can't comment on the update affecting depth, since I never up date any of my machines. When it comes to EMI updates or Iron falsing updates, my opinion is that the engineers do not actually solve the problem, but merely find a way to quiet the machine down, usually at some expense to us.  That's just my opinion and I'm sure others will disagree, but I just can't believe engineers wouldn't have already thought of the fix to the common problems that occur prior to releasing a machine. Iron falsing and EMI are not new issues. You would think that they would be aware of them by now without listening to our complaints ?

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7 hours ago, schoolofhardNox said:

I notice depth reduction on the Manticore when I enter a high EMI area. You have to get out of multi frequency or you will get so much chatter (target ID included, that you can easily miss targets. I think most depth loss is due to not picking the best settings for the situation. Can't comment on the update affecting depth, since I never up date any of my machines. When it comes to EMI updates or Iron falsing updates, my opinion is that the engineers do not actually solve the problem, but merely find a way to quiet the machine down, usually at some expense to us.  That's just my opinion and I'm sure others will disagree, but I just can't believe engineers wouldn't have already thought of the fix to the common problems that occur prior to releasing a machine. Iron falsing and EMI are not new issues. You would think that they would be aware of them by now without listening to our complaints ?

I would agree with you if and this is a big if all three detectors are acting the same, the fact is and you most likely missed this my Loaner control pod is working flawlessly running the same settings on the same ground and same targets, the issues I am seeing has nothing to do with EMI, multi frequency or anything else like that, the loaner pod is seeing targets 6-8 inches deeper and on some targets even deeper

Trust me I have been in this metal detecting game long enough to know when EMI is affecting my VLF detectors or not


You may have missed this also but here it is again prior to installing the 1.11 version on both my detectors I was having no issues at all in fact here is something else you may have missed or just not read, on one of my Legends my one that was originally a 1.04 version Legend I was testing the 1.10 beta test versions again the only one of those three Beta test versions that I had any issues at all was the Beta test version 2, 1.10 Beta test version 3 like I stated I could have asked for nothing more out of a detector it was running fantastic, the 1.10 Beta test versions were the pre cursor to 1.11 and 1.11 should have come out Identical to 1.10 Beta test version 3 but and this is a huge but it did not on either of my Legends, in fact my initial install of 1.11 my Legend that I had done all the testing with of the beta test versions it had a huge depth loss and what I mean by huge depth loss is it would not even see a target unless that target was setting on the surface and the coil was almost touching that target, it went from seeing targets that were 4-14 inches deep in my test bed, to not being able to se a target that was rite on the surface with the coils almost touching the targets, I took it back in and re installed the 1.11 version

(my test bed has been in the ground for almost 1.5 years) at the time

(and yes i performed a factory default reset) it took me 3 re installs and factory resets before I could finally get that legend too hit a target at 3 inches deep, i have done what I mentioned above and it has not helped at all.

I was able to get one of my Legends to start performing again but it was not with 1.11, I had someone that sent me a version 1.80 (which is a version that none of us normal end users had no clue even existed) it was never released to us normal users, I had to use the old update installer to install that 1.80 on my Legend which I choose to install it on my oldest Legend, this 1.80 has all the same features as 1.09, it does not have the BC, or GS features nor does it have the AG feature in gold mode once I installed this 1.80 my issues went away, which I know most would say hey just run with that since it works sorry that is not me I want all the features whether I use them or not, I want them there to have access to all the tools at hand if needed, 1.11 is the current update or version and 1.11 is a good version on some of the Legends.

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Another person who has shown (in videos) real effects, in his situation (emphasize ground conditions) the loss of depth performance with an update, is Andrew (abenson here).  That is with the ML Manticore.  Minelab even sent him a replacement control unit (or was it a full detector?) and that also showed the degraded performance with the update under certain conditions.

I used to be suspicious that people were just fooling themselves (sidelight:  if you really want to open your eyes, see the book Predictably Irrational which interestingly is now the basis of a weekly network TV drama on NBC TV here in the USA).  I still think that is what's going on 90% of the time, but situations like Andrew's have enlightened me that this isn't always the case.


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23 hours ago, GB_Amateur said:

Another person who has shown (in videos) real effects, in his situation (emphasize ground conditions) the loss of depth performance with an update, is Andrew (abenson here).  That is with the ML Manticore.  Minelab even sent him a replacement control unit (or was it a full detector?) and that also showed the degraded performance with the update under certain conditions.

I used to be suspicious that people were just fooling themselves (sidelight:  if you really want to open your eyes, see the book Predictably Irrational which interestingly is now the basis of a weekly network TV drama on NBC TV here in the USA).  I still think that is what's going on 90% of the time, but situations like Andrew's have enlightened me that this isn't always the case.


it is easy for different people to just blow things off as (USER ERROR) which I do believe happens, that is what I have gotten from numerous people telling me I am full of crap that there is nothing wrong with the 1.11 (if that were only true) with some of the Legends, i could eventually work through trying to get both my Legends to perform as they should I have contacted several people one of which started this thread @Jeff McClendon, nothing has helped like I stated i do not believe there is an issue with the latest version, but I do believe there is an issue with the way some of the older Legends accepted  the 1.11 update, what it is I have absolutely no clue, I am not even sure Nokta can figure out why one Legend works as it should on 1.11 and another Legend falls flat on its face while running 1.11, or how a Legend that in my mind was running flawlessly on one version then I install what was supposed to be the finalized version of that same version and everything went sideways completely.

I believe there is an issue internally like a bad board or something, but actually have absolutely no clue, all I do know is when you have over $1500 tied up in two detectors and they do not or will no longer perform it is pretty frustrating to say the least, and you contact people to try to get them to help you figure it out and all you get is (USER ERROR) to be honest it chaps my ASS and leaves a bad taste in my mouth, could I ever in good conscience recommend a Legend to anyone, if i could get mine to run like what I seen in 1.10 Beta Test version 3 or this new control pod absolutely with out a doubt (and I have ) recommended the Legend to people but I cannot with the way both my older legends are running ever recommend the Legend again to anyone until Nokta or someone figures this out as to why some Legends work great and others are dogs, it is that simple for me.

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It is frustrating when things go wrong through no fault of your own.  I certainly get that.  It is possible that Nokta has made revisions to the board for whatever reason that makes the older units slightly different than current production.  Every manufacturer can and does do this at times.

As of 10-28-2023, Nokta has included V1.13 with the update tool, as well as other firmware releases back to 1.05. The release notes say that V1.13 - "This update allows for easy switching of the Bluetooth headphones connection between AccuPOINT and The Legend, and better compatibility with your devices."  Maybe Nokta has already determined that some devices (Legends) may not be fully compatible with the V1.11 firmware update.

Here is what I would do:

First, I would remove all previously installed versions of the updater tool from your PC.

Next, I would download the latest installer form Nokta, and install V1.13, perform the factory reset, and then see if the problem is corrected.

In answer to the question regarding the update 1.11 "already being there". If/when you downloaded the installer, V1.11 was most likely included, and that is why it appeared in a list of possible firmware updates to load onto the Legend.

I hope some of this is helpful and you can get back to detecting with your machines.

I had issues updating my Apex when the last firmware release and the USB port was the culprit. It was frustrating to have the unit become "bricked" and then later corrected when a different port was used.

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22 minutes ago, DIG5050 said:

The release notes say that V1.13 - "This update allows for easy switching of the Bluetooth headphones connection between AccuPOINT and The Legend, and better compatibility with your devices." 

The phrase "better compatibility with your devices" refers to the AccuPOINT pinpointer wirelessly pairing with all Legend models and the most recent 15 kHz Simplex models. I assume it will also pair with the new Score and Double Score models too.

Your uninstall all previous update tools suggestion is a good one. I always do that whether I am using a Mac or PC just to be safe and to get the latest update tool.

I have several current computers that have successfully downloaded and installed software updates on my updatable detectors. I offered to do that for D Smith's Legends. Maybe he will take me up on that offer.

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30 minutes ago, abenson said:

 it does irritate me that these companies make changes to software without testing the results in multiple soil types to make sure it's going to work.

Especially with the changelog there was no mention of any changes that would cause your problems.

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