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Headphone Adapter - Broke Apart In MXT Pro

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Thanks for the advice, everyone!

I'm going to give the forceps and paperclip suggestions a go, but I'll save the super glue option as a last ditch manuver -- if I miss the target and get glue stuck inside the jack itself, it feels like i'd have a more permanent issue on hand.

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On 12/18/2023 at 9:33 PM, JCR said:

I too have really had fun & good success with my recently  aquired MXT. Headphones, as always is a must. 

Definitely need the headphones back in action.

With the MXT external speaker not having any volume control, it's always at max level and makes some, ahh...conspicuous sounds. No cute little bleeps and grunts from this machine, no -- more like a foghorn crossed with a dying cow. The kind of sounds sure to attract the attention of anyone within a say, 200 yard radius.

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Good 1st choice.

We used to be able to open up the device to clear that jack. 

Of course plugs and adapters didn't fall apart so much then either. 

Now they seal  a lot of things for waterproofing , like a cell phone battery .

That's progress I guess. 

 Removing any tool should always be considered before using it  , it makes you more careful. (an old union master I apprenticed with told me that one.)

Acetone (nail polish remover)  dissolves cyano acrylate (super glue)

Same way it got in there..or a q tip. 



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Well dangit...I couldn't get the broken part out with small tools, and the super glue trick didn't work out. I stuck a small straw inside the jack to hopefully isolate the broken part from the jack wall itself, and then put a toothpick with a small glob of super glue inside and touching the broken adapter piece. End result is the toothpick totally stuck to to the inside of the jack.

After that fail, I put a few drops of acetone in jack to dissolve the super glue, so I guess I'm looking at a fresh start on removing the jam. I probably need finer tools and/or a better technique here.

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Be careful with the toothpick vs putting some super glue on a metal piece.  Did you try the super glue with the paper clip end first?

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6 hours ago, mn90403 said:

Be careful with the toothpick vs putting some super glue on a metal piece.  Did you try the super glue with the paper clip end first?

I tried fishing around in the jack with a paper clip, but couldn't get it to hook on to anything to pull out. Would it have been a better choice to use for super glue delivery vs. a toothpick?

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Awwww. It stuck to the wrong part ! The plot thickens...Is the straw still in there too?  so a plug tip with  maybe a little rod  sticking up , the ring if stereo and ground barrel with a toothpick chaser ?  and a tight fit back up to daylight !  arrrgh  call Obi -wan !    Laproscopic surgeon wanted  , apply stat. 

Did you try the screw ? (maybe a 1/4" lag bolt would be a nice tight fit , possibly too tight) but good tool on the barrel and ring . it will only go straight in and if the pin is in the way...... )  or how about pointy tweezers ?

I'm just spitballing things to try out it's not a simple turn it upside down and shake kinda thing..  (did you try that ? never know...) even a service center would likely roll eyes on this one. The toothpick wasn't a bad idea from a less metal in there the better perspective.

If there's no loose debris rattling around it might be best to just live without the phones...that said.   I guess toothpick 1st. Acetone on a q-tip? might help.  ( If it has enough time , It WILL dissolve plastic too , so test first. and use sparingly.)   Go slow , but not too slow. 

Get a big fish hook and straighten it out if the paper clip doesn't grab anything ,,  length is good to hold on to.. Tie something to it so you don't lose it in there too.  Maybe involve a magnet ?   ( one side of that jack has a big metal connector going to the tip. if you can see in there avoid that side.....) 

It's been a long time since I played these games. Like I said things usually came apart back then..  I almost miss it sometimes,,  not really.







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