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Why Is A $1500 Pi Even Being Talked About?

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For me personally, it came down to, do I purchase a GPX6000 or pick up a Axiom the cost was the ultimate decision maker for me, I weighed the factors of ok am I going to find enough small nuggets to justify the expense difference between an Axiom or 6000, and I am not bragging but I could have purchased any PI I wanted including the GPZ 7000, most or a lot do not have that luxury of being able to purchase the most expensive out there, I weighed all my options that was available at the time and went with the sensible answer at the time, sure the PI I went with does not say Mine Lab on the side of it, but ultimately I went with the Sensible route and most realistic route I could have taken at the time, and that was the Axiom, I do like the Axiom, but I will tell anyone that ask me had the AlgoForce E 1500 been out at the time, that is the route I would have taken, because of the cost of the E1500.

I will be purchasing one of the E1500s when they become available in the U.S not because I need it, but simply because I want one, do I expect it to do anything that the Axiom cannot do (Nope), one of the reasons I went with the Axiom was because at the time I was under the impression there would be after market coils produced, I do not see this happening with the entrance of this new detector the E1500, personally for me, I like having coil options and that is the appealing part for me is the amount of coils that is already available for the E1500, again I like the Axiom but those blunt nosed coils I really do not care for.

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Come on 8000 show yourself.  One of the beauty things about PI detectors is they keep the masses out of the price range.  I see the Algo as good for the dealer's but not so good for the crowds in places that are already being crowded.  Give me 8000 let it punch to the earths core.  Ill dig it. 

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