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Rye Patch Nv Results Of Field Training, Long Read (with Pics)

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What an amazing group of eager customers we had on the 3 Days Field Training.  The weather could not have been any better with temps in the 70's.  Friday was so sunny many of us ended up with red face and a few days later peeling skins from the sunburn.  Soil was still very damp and in fact some standing water in mud puddles on the way up to camp.

My Field staff/I enjoyed a variety of detectors in the class.  Gold Bug-2's, Gold Monster 1000, Equinox 800, Equinox 900, Manticores, GPX-6000's and a GPZ-7000.  1st day was mostly classroom and as soon as the students with a variety of backgrounds were able to witness the varieties of gold and how they respond to different detectors, boy did they start getting excited.  As expected, the GB-2's coils respond to the tiniest of gold best, but as soon as you went to a small picker nugget, the Monster, Equinox and Manticore took over.  Then it was seeing how the bigger 6000's & 7000 did on small, medium and large gold.  It's amazing that everyone talks the depth of a PI or GPZ but how many of you have actually seen with your own eyes, one of those detectors respond on big gold at 2 feet, 3 feet and even 4'?  Yes that's what we did one a couple big ones.  Some people had no clue and wondered out-loud, if they could even dig a hole that deep???  Realize this was just an air test, but it's still impressive.

Of the 12 customers, most found a piece of gold and a couple folks doubled down.  I know 3 of them just quite didn't get that lucky but they tried hard and there is not much we can do about that.  The good thing is they were able to find small foil and #8 bird-shots, so we know they are doing it right.  No big gold was recovered as expected, but I know there still has to be a few chunky 1/4 oz'ers out there.  I know a couple years back Arky's wife was running around with her 7 while he took the class with his 6 and she dug up an 8-gram solid chunk of Au.  So yes, there are still a few but nothing like it used to be.

A couple of the students mentioned that they had taken Ray Mills class (in CA) and was noticing such a difference.  Ray knows Geology and so most of the 1-day class is dedicated to such.  They realized this class is much more detailed on the detectors and how to get the most out of them.  How to tell ground from a true target and importance of proper coil control.  It's funny how I can toss a small nugget in front of a student and yet they can't find if, even though they just seen where it was tossed.  At the end of the class, the students can find that same nugget and then some. That's just part of the reason our class is 3 days instead of 1.  I totally agree with Mr Mills class as well and so if you desire more of the geology side, you might reach out to him.

The main road along the lake was actually the best I have seen it in years.  But those of you who know Rye Patch area (and Northern NV) know the rocks are treacherous on tires.  There were 3 flats during training, 2 flats just after class and yes one guy had 2 flats, but I took home the cake.  I had a slow leaking tire and was able to limp how, getting air at each little stop all the way to Idaho.  Luckily my truck as tire pressure sensors and I can see exactly which tire and how low.  The drivers front got down to as low as 22 pounds between air ups but still held until the next stop at Rome Station (they have a pump that uses quarters).  Anyway, when I got to Boise and took it in, they pulled the tire and showed me a tear in the face that was to big to be repaired.  To order the exact same tire and size, would take 3 days.  Well, I knew those stock tires were only P rated (most 1/2 tons are), so I decided to get something more designed for my off-road travels.  $1250 (after military discount) and I'm sporting some new heavier tires and better tread.  I should have known that from many flat tires and years past.  E rated 10 ply are some of the best for getting least flats, but they are expensive and heavy, so you lose fuel mileage as well. 

Moral of the story.  If you are running around in N Nevada roads, you better have at least LT class tires or higher.  Make sure you have at least 1 spare tire and the correct equipment to change it.  I left my compact air compressor in my big truck, so dumb me on that part.

Here's the truck with the new tread.



Yes those of you running around that weekend did in fact see a semi truck driving out there.  That lady has guts.



UT Chris took advantage of the Anniversary Promo and $500 off.  Gerry's Detectors hand delivered it to him right out there in the field.20240419_093857.thumb.jpg.6f2d36084bcffc79beee6273848b6d2b.jpg


Below - Geno from NV using a GPX-6000 and CoilTek 14x9" GoldHawk coil finds gold.



Below - Dave from UT shines a smile with his 1st NV gold using a Manticore and M8 coil.



Below- UT Chris found the 1st nugget of the class early Saturday morning before we even got started that day.  He scored it with a GPX-6000.




Below - Geoff from NV was able to find a couple with his GPX-6000, here's his 1st.



Below - Chris from Idaho started the class with a GB-2 but when he seen how the Identification System on the Equinox performed so much better than most other detectors, he traded up.  Good for him for trading that last day, as he still was able to find his 1st gold.



Below- Nancy the trucker is tough as nails.  For someone of that age to be out there roughing it and go go go, with the never quit, it finally paid off with a little help from the Staff.  She knows her Manticore can find small picker nuggets.



Below- Dennis from CA was an interesting guy.  His brother from Idaho took my class last year and so he knew exactly what to expect.  We was happy as heck once he got the golden monkey off his back.  He found it with his Equinox 900 and small 6" coil.  He is also the same guy who ended up with 2 flat tires.  Yes he drove a new F-150 with stock P rated tires.



Below - Geno gets another RP nugget.  This guy is getting the hang of it really well.



Below - Horny toads were just starting to come out.  We only seen one snake and it was at camp but not a rattler.  Why do they call them Horny Toads?



Below - Dave from UT find his 2nd nugget and it's pretty nice.  He used the Manticore with M8 coil again.  Did you catch the phrase on his shirt?



My 1st piece of gold in 2024.  No, it's not worth sticking in my mouth like some of my big dogs.   It took all of 45 minutes to find right near the burn barrel.  I used GPX-6000 with stock 11" coil.



Below - Best looking nugget of the trip was Jill and her Gold Monster 1000.



Again, The group of students was so enjoyable and upbeat.  Geoff/Jill brought a box of smoky quartz crystals and told everyone to take a couple for good luck.  Boy it must have helped as most folks found gold.  What's more important to my Staff/I than customers finding gold.  Customers understanding their detectors more, learning to tell the difference of a ground noise and a target, proper coil control, knowing when to ground balance and why, what machines do best on a variety of gold and most of all.... self confidence in your detector and abilities.

Thanks Eli, Lunk and Spencer for your support again.  I have already received a few emails on how happy the customers were with you guys.

Anyone else wanting to take advantage of the Anniversary Sale and save $150 off the Equinox 900 or $500 off the Manticore..call Gerry's Detectors, as I have a few remaining.  Also remember, those who purchase their detectors from me, get an additional discount of $150 off the 3 Days Field Training.  You only pay for training when you show up.



Happy Hunting.  Gerry in Idaho


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Great round-up of the training, Gerry. Always happy to help out getting your customers up and running with their gold nugget detectors; it was a really good class with great students, lots of fun and fantastic weather to boot.

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You guy's are the best, took the class 2 years ago. 

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Looking back, I think Gerry's Detectors has worked with at least 10 active Detector Prospector forum members at one time or another on a variety of gold detectors.  Of you folks, who's found the most?  Boy it's hard to tell as I have seen many of you Succeed.

My Field Staff and I enjoy seeing our students accel at finding the gold.  Heck, we've even been with previous customers who outdo us on an occasion.  Passion of helping others and enjoying seeing the customers break a smile when they finally find their 1st gold.  It doesn't get any better than that.

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