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XP Deus HF 2nd Outing


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Hey Condor,

   Great to hear you got some gold with the new HF 9" inch round.  I haven't found any time to escape with it, so was hoping a few guys like yourself would report back.  The HF coils from XP are selling well and have increased sales on the XP Deus. The Deus is pretty slick, extremely light, wireless and now very sensitive to small gold. 

I have a few very trashy areas I'm excited to give it a whirl at.  

Thanks for the "Shout out," and a bit Shout Out for Steve and the great forum! 

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Thanks for the report, good to see some actual field prospecting use with this machine.

Have you ever taken it over hard rock tailings piles?

I'm giving some serious thought to pulling the trigger on the ellitical HF and getting rid of my GB2 and Fors CORE finally. The hard rock stuff is about the only thing I use the GB2 for anymore though so I'm kinda curious how it does on the real disseminated type gold?

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Hey Fred,

I wheeled and dealed using some of my gold to find a replacement 7000.  I had actually found almost 9 oz of gold with the original 7000, so it in essence paid for itself.  Now I'm starting over, sad face, but glad face that I'm back in the saddle.  I'll looking to head up North when the heat runs me out of Yuma.

Rob is spot on, in a trashy area the Deus will excel on shallow gold. 


This is my 2nd time out with the Deus and I purposely left the 7000 behind so that I would stick to the Deus and give it a decent workout.  I think you will be pleasantly surprised with the Deus.  I sold my GB II, my GBPro and now have a buyer for my 2300, the Deus is filling the niche as a backup to my 7000 and go to for shallow bedrock.  It's feather light, collapses down for packing and wireless to boot.  I would really like to give it a go in the old hydraulic pits up north.  It's not going to help on bullets and lead fragments, but on square nails it should really give me an advantage.  I just don't have the fortitude to dig the trash that Steve H and others are willing to endure. 

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Nice report Steve, thanks! Just so you know and others also, the 9" round HF coil is going to get better depth on larger gold nuggets than the 5" x 9.5" elliptical. The elliptical will be hotter on smaller gold and have better target separation but it is a smaller coil, no getting around that, and maximum depth will therefore suffer a little. No free lunch. And hey, you are finding gold while we are waiting!

Condor's First Report on Deus 9" HF Coil

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Good report from a reliable source.

Thanks Steve.


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