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Minelab Gold Monster 1000 Begins Delivery

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  • The title was changed to Minelab Gold Monster 1000 Begins Delivery
8 hours ago, Ridge Runner said:


The only thing i can say to your post is that's finer than frog hair.


Remember middle of april and may 8th release dates=BUZZ KILL just saying :notsure: Heres hoping :fingerscrossed: Mike C...:ph34r:

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I would like to know how it compares to the Macro Gold I being one that has pre ordered the GM 1000 am extremely tired of the waiting game.

The only person that can answer any of those questions is Mr H since he has had the opportunity to use both.

I am to the point of wandering whether the GM 1000 is even worth the wait anymore and am about ready to cancel my pre order for the GM 1000 and go with my original thought process and pick up the macro gold which seems like just as capable of a detector for gold

Have contacted the dealer I placed the pre order with and they are in the blind about it just as much as those of us that have put our monies up to place the pre order.

So my question to Mr H is the GM 1000 worth waiting for or would the Macro Gold be just as good

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I can find gold about as well the 45 kHz Minelab Gold Monster, 48 kHz White's GMT, or 56 kHz Major Gold Racer. They all have nuances which might make one a better choice over the others in some situations and yet the reverse be true in some other situation. Not having used each extensively one against the other in a very large range of scenarios I am not prepared to say one is clearly better than the others - they are that close. The Gold Racer however is the harder of the three to master whereas the Gold Monster can't get any easier. If all you care about is finding gold nuggets the Gold Monster does just that. The Gold Racer has a bit more of a multipurpose thing going for it.

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5 hours ago, Hard Prospector said:

I wonder how the GM1000 would compare to the White's GMT on  small gold/quartz specimen pieces?

Should be pretty close since they both run at nearly the same frequency....... I think there is only 3kHz difference.

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Over on Rob's Forum he said the Gold Monster 1000 order of his is on the way and should have them mid next week. He's not sure if he'll get his full order but that's a wait and see. 


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Mr Herschbach I currently use a X Terra 705 I run it in the prospecting mode pretty much all the time I use the GB tracking on it.

I have found a few small nuggets with it in the area which I hunt,when I set the detector up I ground balance then turn the tracking on I have seen my ground balance numbers vary tremendously I have seen GB numbers any where from single digits up to as high as the high 40s with the 705 in the area I detect I have also seen the numbers change dramatically with in a 20 foot area  I check my ground balance quite often even though I run the tracking on it.

Can you please give an opinion based on what I have stated as to which detector you think would be a better fit for me,I do realize the 705 is in my opinion a great all around detector and also I feel it is one of the most under rated detectors on the market.

I do realize that gold can be found with any detector, even though I have found gold with the 705 I decided to purchase a detector more dedicated to detecting gold with a higher frequency which is why I did the pre order of the GM 1000,but I just do not know if I am willing to wait much longer for it as the delivery date keeps getting pushed back further and further 

In  your opinion which would serve me better and I do realize you stated you have not used either extensively speaking of the GM 1000 and the Macro Gold

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22 hours ago, DSMITH said:

I decided to purchase a detector more dedicated to detecting gold

That knocks out the Gold Racer in my opinion. You already have a great general purpose detector in the X-Terra. I guess if you can't wait another week or two for the GM1000 then there is the GMT or Gold Bug 2.

Ironically it is precisely because I have used all the units in question that I refuse to get nailed down into picking a "best" detector for other people in the 40 - 80 kHz range. It is an exercise in hair splitting which is why all the models have solid fan clubs. Right now I have the Gold Racer/AU Gold Finder, GM1000, and Gold Bug 2 and have owned several GMT and Goldmaster models. It's like picking the best car to use to drive to the supermarket - they all get me there. It is the other features that differentiate them, like the Gold Racer having a VDI display, or the GM1000 being almost totally automatic.

I figure my job is to point out forks in the road but when it comes to choosing one, it's a personal decision.

I need to bench test the GM1000 and Gold Bug 2 with small coils on some specimen gold I have. They are amazingly close in performance given the frequency difference. The Gold Bug 2 has a highly modulated audio and the GM1000 a highly boosted audio, a chief difference between them. The Gold Bug 2 has the edge for those good at hearing very faint signals but the boosted GM1000 at high gain gives the perception of stronger signals. If you have less tuned hearing that perception could be reality in favor of the GM1000.

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