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Minelab Equinox Unveiled!

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A question was ask where is the batteries. I think you will find them in the backside of the handle like on the Go_Find.


PS I played the video over and over again to hear just what was said about charging the batteries. I keep hearing about a USB plug to charge the battery. I hope they have it fixed so if you forgot to you can put in a regular pack of batteries. I guess only time will tell.

I wonder too who may had their hot little hands on this detector in the US before now.

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Hello Everyone,

  I have been a long time lurker since Steve started his forum and I've followed his posts on other forms.  The Equinox is precisely what I have been asking for from Fisher, then First Texas, Minelab, Whites and anyone else who would listen.  Give me a rugged lightweight, multi-frequency detector that is WATERPROOF and had magnetic charging ability so I don't have to expose the electronics of my detector everytime I need to charge it.  My father and I have used CZ20 & 21, Excalibur and CTX for our snorkel detecting of salt water beaches for years.  We almost always came back to the CZ because it ticked most of the above requirements (it's the most rugged and has the most up time - the Excal and CTX leaked or had problems that put it out of commission while the CZ kept chugging along).  While the CTX found the deepest ring, a beautiful 18k white gold men's ring adorned with diamonds, and the Excal was very informative with the tones ( love that platinum wail) - they both did not hold up well to our hunting conditions and abuse from the environment which is hard for any detector.

At the announced price point of the Equinox, I'd be willing to be a beta tester again after I swore it off when I bought the CTX at launch (those pesky seals gave me anxiety Everytime I hunted).  If the performance matches the CTX I had, I'll be a happy camper just on weight and performance alone...snorkel detecting a salt water beach for 8 hours at a time gets tiring when you're swinging a boat anchor - I'm looking at you CTX and CZ!

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3 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:



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Steve we are depending on your test review.

I had the Deus for 2 years and loved it from the beginning.  Found a lot of good targets.  So If it out performs the Deus, White's V3i and Fisher F75 I guess I'll sell all and jump on board. 

Did anyone notice I didn't mention my TDI?:laugh:


Still waiting on the 1st Texas's PI with discrimination.





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I can make any coin detector perform. All it takes is hours and a decent location. For me it's all about the overall package. Frankly after taking some heat over being a supposed Minelab shill lately I am not inclined to do more than talk about features and specs and let others do all the performance comparison stuff. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry will get these as soon as they are available and pump out comparison videos. In the end people will believe what they want to believe and seek out whoever confirms what they have already decided. Either you look at the specs and want one or not as far as I am concerned. I want one. I honestly don't question that I can go find stuff with it or anything else I choose to use. Nugget detecting is the only area where I obsess over horsepower.

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WoW what a machine! 

Im at Detectival in the UK where Minelab launched the Equinox. This is my friend Harrys YouTube channel IDETECT. Hes a massive Garrett fan but after the few jokes about the equinox, he was extremely impressed and told me so off camera. 

I've tried out the Minelab Equinox myself at Detectival, which is just a prototype and not the finished article yet. To me it looks like Minelab has out done everyone and even if it does look like the Quest machines, it's just looks only. The Quest is a toy compared to the Equinox and looks is all that it has.  

I can see that brand loyalty maybe put to aside with this machine and even the hardcore Garrett guys and girls might be questioning themselves, do I want this incredible detector? I know it will be a big fat 'YES' to the thoughts!

I personally love my Nokta Impact but this is a major step up and now I'm thinking, will my Impact be a backup machine? I feel sick by saying that!

I know you have to walk over it to find it but this Equinox machine will find it. 

Anyway I'm glad the parachute opened! 


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6 hours ago, Norvic said:

Look I`ve a good CTX for sale cheap, I`ll throw in a Deus to clinch the deal.

Oh.....  tis a dog for sure, where`s my leash..........:wink:

I'd probably need a free membership to a fitness club as well, to build up my puny arms enough to swing it. :biggrin:

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