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New To Nugget Detecting, Help With Choice?

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On September 29, 2017 at 4:37 AM, iMine said:

Careful bringing a "friend" that you have to "convince" to go with. If the answer isn't "HELL YEA BUDDY!" when you say "want to go get some gold?" then tell them to F*** Off because they'll do jack shit till they see a pile of gold THEN they want to contribute and cash in on easy (hey it's easy if you do nothing but watch) money. 

I appreciate your sentiment however, but in this case it's not relevant. Actually he's just more into silver and copper crystals. He's not at all like you're imagining. He puts way more enthusiasm into the hobby than I do, I'm just more into the US west and gold is a potential reward for being there. Now that he has a GPX4500 he's getting excited for gold. It's the 2 day drive to get there that he's resisting. We pushed to drive back from Cobalt in 1 day, 860+ miles. That was tiring but we managed. Saved us a motel $tay.

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On September 29, 2017 at 11:29 PM, Andyy said:

Good luck to you.  Hope I wasn't a big downer in my first comment.  Finding a partner is hard even when they *are* on the same page as you.


We have our differences but our interests bear us through. He's the one bringing me into the hobby, truth be told. Actually, I'm the one that brought a camp chair along to sit and watch him dig the deep holes for targets he found with his 4500. Part of my joy is just soaking in the natural beauty that surrounds the tailings piles. I brought a drone to video the landscape, as well as to scan the areas for signs of digging and pile movement, and 'hidden' piles off in the trees. 

While I've enjoyed going for copper and silver, I'd like to have potential ROI so have interest in gold and platinum. Why not get 100x more for your finds? Now that he's invested in his GPX4500, he's more attuned to the potential returns. It doesn't hurt that Gerry, who sold him his 4500, detects in Oregon and has talked it up with him. I'm up for the whole Rocky mountain range, and anticipate spending much of my retirement out there. 

Oh, and I did purchase a TDI SL and am closing on a Gold Bug 2 in a couple days! 4x4 and camper to pull behind it next year. Gonna get the goods while the paychecks are coming in so I can enjoy retirement in a couple years.

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