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Should There Be An Off Topic Forum?

Steve Herschbach

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I'm in agreement with the others.  This is a site about metal detectors and prospecting.  And the level of posting is quite high, thanks in major part to your moderation and setting a good example.  You didn't say what the topic was, but if it was just another complaint about the world, well... (no comment needed.)  My personal opinion is that you've been pretty lenient with people getting out-of-line.  I trust that if you deleted a post it deserved it.



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Wow, what great responses. We were out walking the dogs and was happy to see the feedback on returning.

I started this forum because of conflict on other forums that I wished to avoid. Starting an Off Topic forum for me is kind of like trying to have a fire in one room of the house, and hoping it does not spread. I wanted to make sure I was still on the right path as regards forum members, because this place runs so well that I get minimal feedback. That is how it should be but it leaves me wondering sometimes if I am not off track in my bubble world. You are all confirming how I feel so I can rest easy that the majority are happy with current management. Thank you all for that, and no Off Topic Subjects!

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It aint broke as Paul says, plenty of prospecting 4ms that have off-topic sections, their prospecting sections aren`t kept on topic thus they are really irrelevant and overall have little to do with prospecting. Tis the best as is.

Whoops hit submit as you posted Steve. Just happy members like it the way it is.

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I have to agree with what others are saying myself being new to detecting for gold like the fact that this forum stays on the topic as to what it was designed for detecting for gold and general detecting there are plenty of other detecting forums that one can join if they want to talk about general bull,politics or what ever else you want to talk about but vary few that sticks to just what we are all here for but as others have said it is your forum Mr Herschbach

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I do not post a whole lot on the forum here, but use it rather quite a bit for the knowledge it contains.  I appreciate it and the way it is ran and the accouantibility of valid posts with no BS. (Thank you Steve) Much to what everyone else is saying...  But to assume that an 'Off Topic' forum would be a rant-fest and all out forum for hate and discontent is not accurate. IMHO

I happened to read the post before it was deleted and thought nothing of it but a simple question. I didn't lose sleep and it caused no heart burn either.  An 'Off Topic' forum could create some value and if it were to get into something that I'm not interested in I wouldn't read it ( . )   There have been a few trolling people that their only purpose is to cause heartburn and they feed off replys, in-which sometimes they get quite a few.  If you don't feed the fire....it burns out and goes away.

I would say - go with it - and if it fills up with trolls ... DON"T FEED EM and they'll go away, leaving all the value we might use somewhere in our adventures.


NvAuMiner - Doug

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I was involved as a moderator on one of the forums people are mentioning that got involved in out-of-control flamewars. The threads in that forum did absolutely nothing to help the site as a whole, they did nothing to further our knowledge of gold detecting and they seemed mostly to bring out widely divergent political views. In other words it brought out the edgiest aspects in many people who are otherwise great contributors.

(My opinion only), It seemed that those who were involved no matter which side of the disagreements they were on, did not feel that forum accomplished much of anything other than ruffled feelings and some lingering bad feeling. 

This forum is a refuge from that kind of thing.
That is why I am here.
There are people that I am close friends with who disagree with me on many things, but when we are out hunting together, when we are talking about what we love and sharing our hard-earned detector knowledge,
well that is what really matters.

I wholeheartedly vote "no." 





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I'd be lying if I said I hadn't wondered about what happened there, but now I know and it's much less drama than I figured.

The House makes the rules.  Simple as that.

You run a great forum Steve, and I'm happy that it exists.



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