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Hi Steve and fellow members ,

                                                   Just noticed you will be away for a week Steve , but I have been pondering this topic for some time. Because of your schedule please don't feel obliged to reply until you are home safe and sound . In the meantime I'd love to hear opinions from forum members .

Every new member tends to join and go straight into a topic or question , some mention they are a new member , some don't . We know nothing about them nor have we had a prior chance to welcome them and encourage them to participate and tell us about themselves , all their hobbies , most importantly their prospecting love and what type of equipment they use . 

You may have already tried this and not found it successful , if so I apologise for not picking up on all threads past tense or maybe it is too time consuming .

Maybe a header  " NEW MEMBERS INTRODUCE YOURSELF TO THE FORUM " with a smaller sub heading " Tell us about yourself and your hobbies and activities "

Just a thought I have introduced myself on several forums over the years and member replies and welcoming have made me feel immediately part of a new big family 





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I welcome you here and hope you find this is the place to be. I’ll ask the question do you do more coin hunting or other form of detecting ?

like said Steve will be gone for a week but you can do a search and find most of what you want.

You take care and let us hear from you again.


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Thanks Chuck for your response , I have been a member for 18 months and a lurker before that .

Love this forum and the members are very caring and the best . I own a SDC and a CTX ( never used it , 1 lesson and too complicated for me ) ( just put it on market in AUS ) I have recently bought a Desert Fox goldwheel and a Gold Cube / Trommel hoping to get my Grandsons interested . They are not ready for detecting at this stage . Did the Grandpa trick last week and let them put a bucket of classified through it salted with a couple of pickers and nugglets ( found with the SDC ) You should have seen their eyes as they wormed up the wheel . I hope two more cases of gold fever coming up .

To your question I used to relic and coin hunt regularly 30 years ago in South Australia , then we retired 3 years ago and moved to the Golden Triangle in Victoria ( this is prospecting heaven ) Have found over 250 nuggets with the SDC . Sounds a lot but very small ranging from .005grams to .760 grams with most averaging between .01g to .17 g . I love prospecting and just enjoy being in the bush , it's the thrill of the chase . Google Dunolly Victoria / Australia and with a bit of  searching you'll get to see our main street , still 80% as it was in the early days after they removed the tents and shanty's .

Thanks for your interest and hope to catch up with you again down the track .


goldrat  ( Peter )




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Goldrat, I do agree with you.  It is nice to post up a bit of a "hello, this is me and this is what I enjoy" sort of a greeting.  Maybe all kept under the one thread that is 'stickied' to the start of each forum - "New members please introduce yourself here".  Just so that we don't have masses of short greeting threads starting. 

Not sure if that is possible.  I'm sure Steve will give us his thoughts when he's back on deck.

In Dunolly eh?  Might hit you up for a cup of tea and a chin wag next time I'm over that way :wink:


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1 hour ago, Northeast said:

Goldrat, I do agree with you.  It is nice to post up a bit of a "hello, this is me and this is what I enjoy" sort of a greeting.  Maybe all kept under the one thread that is 'stickied' to the start of each forum - "New members please introduce yourself here".  Just so that we don't have masses of short greeting threads starting. 

Not sure if that is possible.  I'm sure Steve will give us his thoughts when he's back on deck.

In Dunolly eh?  Might hit you up for a cup of tea and a chin wag next time I'm over that way :wink:


Hi Northeast ,

                       You are spot on a sticky would be good , similar to 4 umer and PA . Send me a PM when you come over and i'll shout you a cuppa at the bakery .




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9 minutes ago, Rivers rat said:

Hello Goldrat i am River rat :biggrin::biggrin:




Hi Rivers rat ,

                      Great name , when I spent most of my recreation time fishing my mates called me river rat . Have read some of your post's , must be physically a tough sport fossicking in the Thames mud .



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Good suggestion about being new to a forum.  You have to also understand there are many on a forum who don't want to say much or be 'known' as the same guy/gal on the other forums so Steve has to balance things too.

I'd say whoever gave you a lesson and made the CTX 'too complicated' did you a dis-service.  This is a very good detector that I use very often and I don't complicate.  I let it do the work.  Turn it on.  Select the mode.   Ground balance it and away you go.

In my case I have it set for the beach, highest sensitivity, low trash and each time I turn it on that is where it starts and stays for hours.  I don't do anything but look at the objects on the screen to see if I want to dig them or not.

If you don't need that type of detector then I would sell it.  (I hope you don't take a big hit.)


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Hello,  I am new here.  I think this is a great forum filled with some very intelligent people.  The latest change to only allow 6 thread views has me a registered member now instead of an anonymous guest.  

I dabble in gold prospecting from time to time with my wife.  We both are dedicated First Texas users (they sponsor my YouTube channel) but have used many other detectors for many hours (XP - Garrett - Nokta/Makro - Minelab).   

Anyways...don't want to bore anybody with a huge introduction...so hello and thanks for having me.

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3 hours ago, TheHunterGT said:

Hello,  I am new here.  I think this is a great forum filled with some very intelligent people.  The latest change to only allow 6 thread views has me a registered member now instead of an anonymous guest.  

I dabble in gold prospecting from time to time with my wife.  We both are dedicated First Texas users (they sponsor my YouTube channel) but have used many other detectors for many hours (XP - Garrett - Nokta/Makro - Minelab).   

Anyways...don't want to bore anybody with a huge introduction...so hello and thanks for having me.

Welcome TheHunterGT ,  Good to have you on board the forum , looking forward to your posts . This is a great forum and I hope you enjoy your time here . First Texas Mmm , waiting patiently for their next model , hopefully it is new technology !!!!!    Are you more a relic and coin hunter , your choice or less gold in your area .



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