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2018 - Year Of The Equinox!

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1 hour ago, Redneck said:

Chase , another area where the EQX may outshine the mighty Deus is by using the 6" coil, as the Deus 's smallest coil is the 9" er. 

Agree, to an extent, but XP has made strides with the Deus 9x5 elliptical form factor HF Coil that is great for restricted areas like cellar holes and has separation like a laser pointer.  In fact, it was the success that folks were having with high conductors operating that coil at 28 khz and even 74 khz that ironically got me even more excited about the Equinox 800's 5Fx5 Multi IQ capability.  That technology plus an attached 6-inch Sniper coil may unseat the Deus in this regard.

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11 hours ago, Chase Goldman said:

We are finding that they actually are enabling us to pluck high conductive targets (in addition to the expected mid-conductive buttons and brass) out of the ground better than the lower frequencies in some cases.  This is obviously counterintuitive but it is happening on a wide enough scale and frequency that we believe this is not just a coincidence.  We have not figured out why but some are speculating that the reduced ground penetration afforded by the HF modes are enabling shallower high conductive targets to be unmasked where they would otherwise be masked by deep, large iron BELOW the non-ferrous target of interest (vs. iron at or above the same depth of the desired non-ferrous target).  Just wanted your thoughts on this and whether the 800's HF frequencies in Multi-IQ mode can perhaps out-Deus the Deus in this regard?

Welcome to the forum Chase!

I observed the ability of high frequencies to pick non-ferrous targets out of trash many years ago using the Gold Bug 2. Why it works - your speculations sounds good. The fact is that it is observable reality and that's all I need to know.

As far as whether Multi-IQ will beat out the Deus HF coils in this regard - time will tell. I ran the new Deus HF coil and it is an impressive piece of hardware. Leaving obvious physical design differences aside, I saw nothing to indicate that this will be anything but a highly disputed grudge match between Deus fans and Equinox fans. For my purposes any difference there is so hair splitting close that it was other factors that made me decide Equinox was going to be the way I would go instead of Deus. I expect the decision will be the same for others.

Both the Equinox 600 and 800 employ the full range of frequencies in multifrequency mode. The 800 allows you to access the 20 kHz and 40 khz frequencies directly, but the secret of Equinox is Multi-IQ. Any Multi-IQ mode on the Equinox 600 is every bit as effective as the same modes on the equinox 800.

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Ha Ha that is why I am saving my blood pressure for other grudge matches and embracing Deus and Equinox both as MD game changers each in their own right.  Like you, my “arsenal” will be paired down to the GPX, the ATX, the Deus (with HF coils), and the Equinox 800.  Bye, bye to my venerable Excalibur II (I don’t dive, so ‘Nox baby!), T2, F75, MXT Pro (sniff) and my not so venerable MX Sport.  I will also hang on to my “first” legit detector, a Tek Delta, for sentimental reasons and because it is still one helluva coin shooter in nominal soil conditions and a great machine to loan out to future detectorists young and old.  Lol.

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You will all probably be shocked to hear that Minelab asked to reproduce my post for their Treasure Talk blog :smile: 

So how’s that work? They see my posts (I keep telling people this forum is watched), and see something nice, so they ask to use it. I say sure - heck, I already wrote it, so it’s not like they are asking me to do anything. I don’t get paid for it. They do link back to the forum which is nice, but I don’t even ask for that. I don’t know why people think there is more to it than that but there you go for those that are curious.


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Nobody mentioned this one. I want to get Equinox into some ghost town situations, and so literally the day before snow blew in over the high country I drove up into the Sierras to find a ghost town I had not been to before. It was a day trip and most of the time was spent getting there and scoping out the location, etc. I did wander around for a couple hours digging anything non-ferrous. Equinox ran fine, not much in the way of finds except this. Looks to be my first Chinese coin find, but it is so corroded away there is not much else to get excited about over it. It's always fun to find something though, and now that I have scouted the location I hope to get back up there when the snow goes away to give it a more serious hunt.


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I copped a lot of heat when I made this post and Minelab picked it up as a Treasure Talk blog. The “shilling for Minelab” rhetoric got bad enough I abandoned the other forums. I really don’t need the abuse.

So I have to admit I find it gratifying when I see people still “discovering” what I saw and what caused me to go “all in” with Equinox. Naysayers inevitably appear, but they are getting fewer and farther between now as the reality of Equinox is revealed.


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